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Current accounts: there is a boom in requests for online solutions

The upward trend in requests to open online current accounts does not stop: a trend, which – in recent years – has strongly consolidated, registering a real peak in the last period.

This is mainly due to the fact that, if at first the phenomenon was limited to a very young user , currently the differentiation by age group has been greatly reduced and this has been greatly affected by the recent introductions of more stringent security protocols. .

Furthermore, a strong contribution to the phenomenon was given by the creation of products also intended for non- retail customers. Last but not least, a further boost was favored by the incidence of costs on this type of product, with a significant increase in demand, especially for zero-cost solutions .

The success of online current accounts at no cost

Nowadays, zero expense accounts are among the most popular with users, as they allow you to manage your resources and main banking operations without having to pay commissions .

Of course, to make sure you sign up for a safe and transparent proposal, with no hidden costs, you need to turn to serious and reliable credit institutions, such as
Crédit Agricole , which provides a great deal of experience in the banking services sector, also online.

The site dedicated to Crédit Agricole accounts is, in fact, easy to consult and allows you to carry out the procedure quickly, simply by having an identity document and health card .

How does a zero-cost current account work?

To understand the benefits ensured by a zero expense current account, it is possible to analyze its main strengths.

Of course, the main feature is the free fee . Operations can be managed on a web browser through home banking, or from mobile devices using the dedicated app .

Among the main payment transactions, the free fee includes SEPA transfers performed online . To this it should be added that there are no costs even for bank domiciliations, as well as for sending the account statement and the periodic summary document, if you choose the online receipt option. But of course this could vary from bank to bank.

Taking the Credit Agricole proposal as an example, among the services offered by the online account there are also payment cards . The bank provides two without charge, a debit card exclusively for withdrawing cash and payments to POS and another, more complete, to which is also added the possibility of making online transactions.

These payment tools allow free withdrawals from bank ATMs and also from ATMs of other institutions for the first 24 monthly withdrawals (from the 25th withdrawal onwards a small cost is charged on each transaction).

Therefore, it is a zero-cost account that offers the completeness of a normal correspondence relationship, in the face of operational streamlining, and can be subscribed both online, on the official website of the credit institution, and in the branch .

Features and functionality of online current accounts

More generally, an online current account has the same characteristics as a traditional account: it is covered by the maximum amount of the deposit protection fund , for each holder, in the event of a bank bail in.

It allows you to carry out all the main “debit” and “credit” operations online and in cases where the agency is present in the area where the customer is located, in principle, the aforementioned operations can also be carried out at the counter .

Of course, you can sign the remote opening contract and the correspondence account can be managed from the internet or from a mobile application , to have full control of your financial situation at any time of the day.

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The article Current accounts: there is a boom in requests for online solutions comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/conti-correnti-e-boom-di-richieste-per-le-soluzioni-online/ on Tue, 23 Feb 2021 09:01:38 +0000.