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The fines for the over-year-old vaccinated are starting. The League wants to stop them, but the fight is against the apparatus

Italy is experiencing a paradoxical situation: the government majority wants the cancellation of the unjust fines of 100 euros to unvaccinated fifty-year-olds, defended by very few. Now however, once the 180 days from the deadline within which the fine had to be paid have expired, the first tax bills are starting to start, also charged with the costs of emissions, which are the prodrome for the forced collection of these figures.

So the government doesn't want the figures, but, given that there is a bureaucratic apparatus that wants them (ministerial managers, etc.) it has not been possible so far to be able to remedy this problem. Not in the Aiuti Ter decree, not yet in the draft budget, the League proposes an amendment to the Rave Party decree which, however, will be discussed on December 12, therefore with a slight delay.

There is actually a technical problem: the fine cannot be canceled simply because someone has paid it and therefore there is the problem of managing refunds. Therefore, the amendment will probably provide for a "freeze" until 30 June 2023 to allow for the management of the refund problem. In the end, the stupid sanctioning rule will cost a lot, money that the person who designed it would have to pay and which costs so much effort to be cancelled. Because?

The reason is trivially simple: the government is still hostage to the previous power group, consolidated over 12 years of continuous, or nearly so, Piddino government. In this long period of time, a leadership has been firmly and harshly selected only by a political party capable of curbing, if not preventing, any measure taken by a government seen as an enemy. If Meloni and her coalition do not have the courage to carry out a dry spoil system, that is, to replace at least one group of top ministerial positions, any breaking initiative will automatically be sabotaged or rendered ineffective. Until the political forces realize this fact, government action will always seem confusing and out of time.

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The article The fines for the over-50 vaccinated are starting. The League wants to stop them, but the fight against the apparatus comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/partono-le-multe-per-i-vaccinati-ultracinquantenni-la-lega-vuole-fermarle-ma-la-lotta-e-contro-lapparato/ on Thu, 01 Dec 2022 13:46:13 +0000.