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The EU elites have not yet overcome the Brexit trauma and are pondering revenge

Predictably, a dangerous anti-British wind is blowing in the European Union. It is immediately obvious to note that this is not a popular movement, that is, a sentiment that springs from below. On the contrary, many European citizens continue to show respect and admiration for London and the United Kingdom, the country where liberal democracy was born and has borne the most abundant fruits.

On the other hand, several EU leaders look with suspicion at the nation that, giving birth to Brexit , had the courage to break away from a supranational institution that has become, over time, more and more bureaucratic and asphyxiated. For these politicians, belonging to several countries, the aforementioned Brexit remains a capital sin, a shame to be quickly canceled. Or, if you prefer, a revenge to be consumed cold.

The United Kingdom had the courage to regain complete independence, severing with one clean blow the often absurd bureaucratic ties that forced it – like the other members of the Union – to submit to Byzantine rules and procedures elaborated in the closed rooms of Brussels. .

It is no coincidence that the hostility of Europe (incomplete without the UK) is manifesting itself for the time being on the cultural level. We would like to make citizens believed to be naïve that English culture is not part of European culture. Hence the insistence on the "irremediable" British diversity, islander and isolationist by nature, exploiting old ideas and old prejudices of which General Charles de Gaulle had made one of his main battle horses.

Hence the strange proposal to reduce the British cultural presence, even considered "disproportionate", in television networks, since it would constitute a "threat" (sic) for European identity. Of course it would be useful to understand what they mean, the elites mentioned at the beginning, with the expression "European identity". It is unlikely that the answer can be drawn from the policies practiced so far by the EU.

If something similar really existed, then the rulers of non-European countries would love to talk to Ursula von der Leyen, possibly equipped with a chair to sit on, and with Charles Michel. Instead, world leaders from Vladimir Putin to Narendra Modi, from Joe Biden to Xi Jinping, prefer to talk to national premieres such as Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron and Mario Draghi, well aware of the fact that the latter hold true power.

Returning to the television networks, it is obvious that British programs are depopulating thanks to the fact that the BBC has always produced high quality programs, usually superior (especially from a cultural point of view) to those of French, Italian or German television companies.

However, the madness of the Brussels elites manifests itself in other ways as well. For example, there is an attempt to exclude Wembley from the stadiums where the European football championships are held. The official reason is the spread in England of the "Indian variant" of Covid , later renamed the "delta variant" for reasons of political correctness. In reality, the main reason is another. Is it true or not that the UK wanted Brexit ? Then it is no longer in Europe and, consequently, no European championship matches can be played on its territory. Absurd, of course, but in Brussels the sense of ridicule has no citizenship.

And there is also an even more absurd trend that is taking place, and this time it concerns the linguistic terrain. After Brexit – some argue – it is no longer possible to use English as a common language. It should be replaced with French or German. However, it happens (and everyone knows it) that English has become a real "lingua franca" used all over the world. Something similar to what Latin was in the Middle Ages. Guess how European leaders understand each other in their meetings? Speaking English, it goes without saying. Maybe as bad as Renzi and Conte, or as good as Draghi. But still it is the language of Albion.

And this is also a common trait for students participating in programs such as Erasmus . If they want to have any hope of getting along with professors and students living in the destination country, they have to do it in English. Also because other languages ​​are usually not studied with accuracy, in Italy or elsewhere.

We are thus witnessing a comedy of the absurd, caused by the stubborn will of the European government elites to avenge Brexit and to punish the British for having approved it. It is easy to predict that everything will turn out in a soap bubble. We will continue to use English as our common language and, once the pandemic is overcome, the UK will continue to be the central country it has always been.

The post The EU elites have not yet overcome the Brexit trauma and are contemplating revenge appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/le-elite-ue-non-hanno-ancora-superato-il-trauma-brexit-e-meditano-vendetta/ on Fri, 25 Jun 2021 03:55:00 +0000.