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Economic Scenarios

Bagnai: The Patrimonial destroys the assets and causes the banks to go bankrupt

Alberto Bagnai comes to talk about the topic of taxes. There is talk of postponement in the payment of taxes which, in theory, are on the profits made, but we forget that Italy charges taxes, with IRAP, even to loss-making companies. Then he comes to speak on the issue of assets, recalling how the IMU destroyed 30% of the real estate value, a colossal damage for Italians.

Where to find the money then? In the fight against tax evasion of large multinational companies and in the profits invested and taken abroad, not in the 50 euro fine. In the end we talk about tax reform, where the works finally agree on the need not to increase the tax burden.

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The article Bagnai: The Patrimonial destroys the assets and causes the banks to fail comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/bagnai-la-patrimoniale-distrugge-il-patrimonio-e-fa-fallire-le-banche/ on Sat, 26 Jun 2021 07:00:11 +0000.