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Economic Scenarios

Can we have a Senate foreign commission chairman who supports a communist dictatorship? Yes….

I state that I have the utmost respect for the personal opinions of anyone. However, if a role is expressed in a democratic power, in a nation where an attempt has been made to protect personal freedoms, within the limits of possibilities, where it is possible to express any opinion privately without going to prison (the mass media are unfortunately a different thing ), then you have to be a little cautious. If the president of the Senate Foreign Affairs Commission allows himself to support one of the most brutal communist dictatorships in the world, then the citizen is authorized to believe that this person, and the political party that defends him, has no personal freedoms at heart. and civil rights.

This is what happened with the chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, Vito Petrocelli, who shows his support for an article published by the Chinese government news outlet, the CCP, calling for a "Re-balance" in the political discussion. on Xinjiang. The paper, written by an Italian academic, shows how much Chinese money is able to penetrate the Western academic world. Moreover, there is no university professor who is not sensitive to the right economic pressure.

What does the article say? In a nutshell, China will have repressed the Uighurs in Xinjiang, but it did so for a good purpose, for the economic advancement of the region. In the end, what do you want a few tens of thousands of people in the labor and re-education camps to be in the face of the region's economic advancement? What do you want the jail for a few tens of thousands of followers of Falun Gong, the branch of the Buddhist belief that spread in China before a violent crackdown on the Chinese Communist Party, to be? In the end what do you want human rights, people's lives, towards the power (and money…) of the Chinese Communist Party? The words praised by Petrocelli are at the level, even worse, of the speeches of the European colonial powers of the nineteenth century.

Not wanting to lose anything, and following Grillo's example, Petrocelli defends the communist government of Cuba, a fact that, when compared to what is written about China, seems almost a venial sin.

This may be the chairman of the foreign commission of the Hebei Senate, a region governed by the single party, he may not be the chairman of a committee of a democratically elected chamber. Even when there was the USSR, more attention and respect for democracy, the real one, was held, which led him to the position he holds.

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The article Can we have a Senate foreign commission chairman who supports a Communist dictatorship? Yes…. comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/possiamo-avere-un-presidente-di-commissione-esteri-senato-che-appoggia-una-dittatura-comunista-si/ on Sun, 18 Jul 2021 19:10:44 +0000.