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How Mattarella sank the Bis Party

How Mattarella sank the Bis Party

Sergio Mattarella's (definitive?) Refusal to lend himself to confirmation, as Giorgio Napolitano did in 2013, seen by Francesco Damato

That is fine. Indeed, it goes wrong but let's at least be satisfied with the fact that Sergio Mattarella's refusal – this time it can well be considered definitive – to lend himself to a confirmation, as Giorgio Napolitano did in 2013, to divert, let's say, the path of succession from exceptional obstacles carried by extending it briefly, has been expressed in a civil way. And this even if the Libero newspaper decided to translate the no of the outgoing president of the Republic to a "Vaffa al Pd": of those that even Beppe Grillo has set aside in his repertoire, also renouncing the license granted him for a long time by the willing for the double role of professional comedian and political – alas – amateur.

The "Vaffa al Pd", I repeat, would arise from the membership of the Nazarene party, in fact, of the three senators who have just presented a bill which, by modifying two articles of the Constitution to strengthen the figure of the President of the Republic, restoring him the power to dissolve the Chambers in the last six months of his mandate, and sanctioning his ineligibility on the other, could well have allowed Mattarella to remain in his post for a while longer, beyond the deadline of next February. And this at least to allow, guarantee and so on the path of the reform in the remaining time of this legislature.

Mattarella's stubborn but polite refusal would have really been a "vaffa", and perhaps not only to the Democratic Party, if the head of state had also adhered in the form, that is in the language, to the exhortation addressed to him no later than last November 27 on the Done Quotidiano by Marco Travaglio. Who, imagining him among the fish stalls at the Vucciria market, in his Palermo, hoped to hear him shout in strict Sicilian: “Chi camurria, m'avete scassatu a shit”. At least "the shit" of the President of the Republic was not disturbed in the protest.

So, due or under the pretext, as you prefer, of a stubborn question of principle even set aside in 2013, I repeat, by his predecessor Napolitano in front of the parties physically paraded in front of him to ask him to stay a little longer, Mastella has decided that to see to his succession must be a Parliament that can still be considered fully and politically legitimized only with a lot of good will, ingenuity and whatever else.

We are now just over a year from a deadline different from all the previous ones because never before had there been Chambers destined to be replaced by others so different: reduced by a third of the seats and with the "central" party – the 5 Star MoVement voted in 2018 more than all the others – now firmly behind at least three forces competing for primacy around 20 percent of the votes each.

The new one, therefore, will inevitably be a President of the Republic substantially delegitimized himself, even if Italy were to be lucky enough to see a man of the international prestige of Mario Draghi arrive at the Quirinale: far from obvious, however, due to ungovernability, as is commonly said, of all parliamentary groups and parties of formal reference.

Despite all this, it seems that Mattarella sleeps soundly, disturbed upon awakening by the political and media chatter summarized by the collaborators in the daily press review already deposited on the bedside table. Happy reading, President, also for tomorrow's collection.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/mattarella-bis/ on Sat, 04 Dec 2021 07:06:58 +0000.