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Why did Draghi change his anti Covid strategy?

Why did Draghi change his anti Covid strategy?

The considerations via Twitter of David Carretta, correspondent of Radio Radicale from the European institutions, on the decree approved by the government on February 5

Mario Draghi's government had a strategy. Criticizable, but it was a strategy.

Green Pass as a tool to limit infections as much as possible and encourage vaccination.

And it had been a choice imposed on 23 July by Draghi on political parties and ministerial bureaucracies.

Two choices could be made tonight. 1) Continue with the Green Pass for "emmerder" (cit.) The unvaccinated to the end. 2) Introduce the vaccination obligation for all adults.

We have chosen not to choose and the result is a misguided Conte 2 government-style mix.

The pilot is gone. Probably fed up and interested in other buildings.

In the last month, the Italian "deep state" (I apologize because I am ennobling it with this definition) has worked successfully to return to govern the political Draghi.

Repeating and confusing decrees. Selective rules impossible to apply or follow because they are too complicated and changeable. Populist measures useless on Ffp2 while the problem is the lack of capacity on antigenic and molecular tests.

All seasoned with the whims of the parties.

Until a month ago Draghi was tidying up with "you don't like it, I'm leaving", now he can't anymore.

Too close to January 24th.

We'll see if this tactic works. But weakness and self – candidacy do not play in his favor.

The pandemic has highlighted how superficiality, incompetence and improvisation have taken over in the public management of Italy.

Even the victimization or triumphalist rhetoric on the first lockdown is no longer able to hide the reality.

Two exceptions.

The two exceptions were the vaccination campaign and the Mario Draghi government Green pass.

A third exception that is being tested today is open schooling. I hope that there is no subsidence on this.

The school must be the last to close.

(excerpt from a series of tweets by David Carretta )


All the measures (in a nutshell) decided by the government on the obligation to vaccinate, super green pass and school

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/perche-draghi-ha-cambiato-strategia-anti-covid/ on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 08:00:00 +0000.