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Economic Scenarios

If you try to fold the over 50s, you have decreed your end

Because the problem is not provax or novax. The problem is blackmail, coercion, idiocy made government: you have revealed yourselves.

The over 50 category is particularly decisive: they have maturity and experience, are active in the world of work, have a well-structured personality and often a lot of professionalism behind them. If they have decided NOT to get the vaccine, they will not be persuaded to do so through blackmail. If they have no money to support their family, they will rely on state subsidies, further devastating the coffers already admirably managed by a bunch of idiots who year after year have pushed Italy into an economic abyss. The over-fifties are a very dangerous category: they are the last to have lived the experience of a democratic and independent Italy, rich and well-off in its abilities. In Italy which with its own strength was one of the world leaders. So they are a category to be eliminated.

As we know, the Italians are skilled in complaining, but then they always stand up by removing the chestnuts from the fire to their scoundrels and unworthy representatives. This time the scoundrels are also breaking his legs and not even wanting to be able to get back on their feet and trot.

And we come to the CLAIM of blackmail: the rise of infections. From Omicron. A virus so weak that it would be lucky to be able to contract it, because it would develop natural antibodies to dozens of variants without causing any damage. The televirologist de noantri Bassetti also admitted it, just a couple of days ago. Well-known scientists are saying it, all states are taking it into account. Not us: the best product of natural selection on earth, BRUNETTA, with the eyes of a hallucinator in the throes of the abuse of substances he himself produces, this character from Spielberg's horror story, proudly announces: "Italy it is the first nation to make vaccines mandatory for people over 50 ”. Why are we the best? No, Brunetta, because we are people who tolerate psychopaths to the government.

The rise in infections is obviously due (even a monkey even understands it) essentially due to the disproportionate number of tampons that people in panic or coercion are forced to do: whether you are vaccinated or not vaccinated, as the sun rises you run to get a tampon. The number of deaths instead follows the seasonal trend of a common flu.

Now the tampon is no longer enough. Perfect: what will the over 50s who are unwilling to be bent over by people who seem more like a freak of nature than worthy speakers from an authoritative pulpit do? They will no longer go to work, they will ask for subsistence, they will pay the fucking fine, they will buy for two bucks one of the millions of greenpasses (perfectly functioning) and fakes that they propose on the net, they will slingu on the street the first positive they meet, they will go to dinner alone from positive friends and then they will quarantine. Therefore? Result? You will have once again demonstrated your foolishness, the ridiculous praecox legislation thrown in the gazette one day ago with the other fruit of your panic, your anaffectivity, your never having understood shit about the people who vote for you and pay you, of your ignorance and misinformation. You are trying to bend the best part of Italy: the one that does not believe in your lies, that does not find any logic in your mediocre delusions. Let us go and vote, what's stopping you? We have something to tell you with the ballot box.

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The article If you try to beat the over 50, you have decreed your end comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/se-tentate-di-piegare-gli-over-50-avete-decretato-la-vostra-fine/ on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 12:52:18 +0000.