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Ignored by Healthcare and the media: the endless ordeal of those who suffer the adverse effects of vaccines

With Omicron now comparable to flu, and with the presence of an explicit vaccination obligation (for over 50s) or surreptitious through the Green Pass (for almost all others), the problem of adverse effects caused by anti vaccines – Covid returns, evidently, in all its arrogance. Several hundred serious cases are now emerging, all with the same incipit : "before the vaccine I had nothing …". And what's happening to the people I'm going to tell you about could happen to others in the third, fourth, or – who knows – fifth dose. In fact, no one guarantees you that it will always suit you.

Therefore I would like to give voice to the touching testimony of Silvia Vernò, vice president of the "Listen to me" Committee , which brings together hundreds of people of all ages (parents, children, etc.) and from all over Italy who have suffered serious – if not very serious – adverse effects. from such vaccines. But still relatively few people know him, having been born a few months, immediately after the summer, so it is likely that the people affected by adverse effects are, in reality, many more: perhaps even two orders of magnitude (i.e. 100 times ) Moreover. The Committee in question has its own website , but it is also present with a page on Facebook , Instagram , Telegram and TikTok .

Vernò is a school trainer from Monza and, in a video intervention at the Coordination conference on October 15, she told her personal experience, which begins like this:

“On March 23, at 12, I took the first and only dose of the Astrazeneca vaccine. At 6 pm I stopped walking. I state that I am 40 years old and I had no previous illnesses. I was in the house and I no longer felt my legs, I was in devastating pain as if beasts were eating them and throwing them into the fire. So I was terribly scared and I contacted my doctor, who sent me to the emergency room in my city to do some tests. They did not reveal anything, so they sent me home recommending an electromyography. From there my ordeal began. Today almost ten months have passed since the first dose of the vaccine and I still live with chronic perennial pain, 24 hours a day, in the legs. Luckily I started walking again because I have a very strong body, but I still can't drive and I can't run (I used to do 15km twice a week). I currently live in a state of partial disability, but there are people who live in a state of total disability ”.

The ordeal experienced by Vernò is paradigmatic of what happens to those who have suffered damage from the vaccine:

“I have two small children, one of 5 and one of 7 and I have not been able to go to work anymore. I could not walk and I could not even wash myself, precisely because of these devastating pains and electric shocks that pervaded my body. I then started an absurd process of medical examinations, electromyograms, magnetic resonances and so on. And I was sent away from the emergency rooms and medical offices always without any diagnosis and without any therapy, or only – when it was fine – with the prescription of antidepressants and anxiolytics, which I never took knowing for sure that I was neither crazy nor depressed or anxious: I was simply, and still am, very ill. I, like so many others, asked the institutions for help and human dignity, which we currently lack completely. We are Italian citizens completely hidden and abandoned despite our request for help also made to the authorities and the President of the Republic, and this is a very serious thing ".

Thanks to social media , Vernò has discovered that she is not unique at all, but just yet another case:

"I spent the first months like this, practically in bed, desperate and totally abandoned by the Health Service until, this summer, surfing the net, I found an interview with what is now the president of the Listen to Me Committee , Professor Federica Angelini, who she told of her experience with the vaccine, of the adverse effects she was experiencing, totally abandoned by the health service, also accused of being mad, depressed, and she too was continually prescribed psychiatric drugs. So I got in touch with her on Messenger , we met and I discovered that she had opened a WhatsApp group in which she was welcoming people who were living the same experience as us: therefore all people who were suffering, who had lost their health and were very badly without a diagnosis, without a cure and without help from the Health and the institutions ".

Federica Angelini, a 50-year-old elementary school teacher from Bussolengo, immediately rushed to get vaccinated and, after the first dose of vaccine, a real hell began for her too, with a neuropathy and very painful skin reactions: the skin is turned burgundy as if she had been burned after a day in the sun without protection, with red streaks that burned madly. And then terrible pain in the legs, buffered with cortisones and opioids. This was followed by visits, rushes to the emergency room, withdrawals, exams, appointments with doctors and specialists who had never seen anything like this before. All this by spending a fortune and often even being laughed at. She no longer knew what to do, she was desperate, she was looking for help. She then wrote a long post where she told her experience, receiving hundreds of messages where they told her many similar stories. The turning point, however, came when she responded to an intervention by Selvaggia Lucarelli by telling what had happened to her. His post was shared on the Covid Home Care page and there were 12,000 likes and hundreds of comments. An avalanche of solidarity messages received on Messenger and many similar stories.

But here, again in Vernò's story, how the Listen to me Committee was born:

"The first months we gathered, in this WhatsApp group, hundreds of people who confronted each other, even exchanging therapies, advice on supplements, on medicines, on tests to be done, precisely because we were all totally groping in the dark and in total solitude. Until this summer, with Angelini and with five other people scattered throughout Italy, we decided to create a non-profit committee, called the Ascoltami Committee , which welcomes and collects the testimonies of all the people who have suffered adverse effects, and that also sensitizes individuals to make reports to pharmacovigilance, because all the people who are contacting us via email or through our social networks – and they are hundreds – often and gladly did not report to AIFA and unfortunately, very often, notifications in the emergency rooms are not made, and not even by family doctors ".

The worst is that these citizens, in addition to having lost their health, are also losing their jobs:

“These hundreds of people with whom we are in contact as the Listen to Me Committee have all made at least one access to the emergency room, have almost all been treated with depression and have come out of there with prescriptions for anxiolytics and antidepressants. This seems to me a surreal situation. They are all very young people, by the way, and there is no one to tell them how to behave. There are people completely thrown into bed at home who can't even get to work because of the pain they feel, they can't even take care of their children. Furthermore, most of them do not have a vaccination waiver; so they are people who were well, who went to get vaccinated, who have completely lost their health, who are not being treated and who are losing their jobs because they do not have an exemption, except the few who have been helped and believed by the own family doctor. And, as a result, some are no longer able to pay the rent ".

The sample of adverse effects of those who contact the Listen to Me Committee every day is impressive:

"There are people who do not walk, there are people who have pericarditis, there are people who cannot move their arms, who have lost their sight, there are people who vomit regularly every day and cannot even to hold their children in their arms, and these people have not been granted an exemption because in the vaccination hubs they are told: 'now that you are fragile you have to take the second and third dose', but these are people who before the vaccine they were fragile people, they became fragile because of the vaccine! If I hadn't experienced this situation firsthand, I myself would think it was crazy; because it is crazy to believe and to think that the state in which you were born is hiding, it does not help you. No one, or very few, in hospitals recognize vaccine damage: you show up for triage and are asked if you are depressed. I went to the emergency room in early April in my husband's arms because I couldn't walk at all and I had electric shocks all over my body, and my husband was asked if I was depressed! ".

We believe there is no need to make further comments. Note that here we have limited ourselves to neurological and autoimmune adverse reactions, which do not kill like cardiological ones but appear to produce permanent damage in many cases. So why doesn't anyone go to these people's homes to study and treat them? I also find it shameful that a citizen, mother and teacher who in her work would never have dreamed of abandoning the disabled children she followed, as vice president of the Listen to Me Committee does not even receive a response from the institutions to which she has addressed. All disappeared, leaving these people and their families to themselves; because, if a mother cannot get out of bed and lives in chronic pain, the state – which is practically forcing the population to inoculate an experimental preparation of which we hardly know the short-term effects but not at all the medium and long-term ones ( related reports are not accepted by the adverse effect databases) – she is not abandoning only this mother, but also her children.

The post Ignored by Healthcare and the media: the endless ordeal of those who suffer the adverse effects of vaccines appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL https://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/ignorati-dalla-sanita-e-dai-media-il-calvario-senza-fine-di-chi-subisce-gli-effetti-avversi-dei-vaccini/ on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 03:46:00 +0000.