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Bridge collapses in the US a few hours after Biden’s visit

On Friday morning, a snow-covered bridge in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania collapsed hours before President Joe Biden arrived in town to discuss his infrastructure plan for the United States.

Ten people sustained minor injuries when the bridge fell and three were transferred to local hospitals. Authorities noted that three or four vehicles, including a bus, were on the bridge, which crosses a stream in Frick Park, when it collapsed.

The images in the scene appear to show a bus hovering over the edge of the fallen bridge. Officials said only two people were aboard the bus at the time.

The cause of the collapse is being investigated.

Reports suggested there was a strong gas smell in the area. Police later confirmed that the gas lines had been cut.

The bridge fell about 20 meters onto a footpath below, providing rescuers with an easy path to access those in need of rescue, Pennsylvania Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman told CNN.

The president, who was supposed to visit Pittsburgh today, is aware of the collapse, the White House said. He plans to embark on his journey as planned.

"The president is grateful to the first responders who rushed to assist the drivers who were on the bridge at the time," the statement read. He probably would have talked about the policy of investing in infrastructure. At the same time it is very strange that there is a gas leak a few hours after the President's passage …

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The article Ponte collapses in the USA a few hours after Biden's visit comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/ponte-crolla-negli-usa-a-poche-ore-dalla-visita-di-biden/ on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 16:46:51 +0000.