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48 days without gas from Russia. What Germany will look like

For 48 days, the Yamal pipeline has not sent gas from Russia to Germany, passing through Belarus and Poland, but rather sends it in the opposite direction, from German reserves to Poland. The once essential infrastructure has become useless. This trend began on 21 December and has not stopped for now.

Indeed Gazprom enjoys making fun of Westerners. Gazprom booked an eight-hour transit capacity on Tuesday evening, and the pipeline even recorded one hour of flows westward, before stopping. He basically filled the German bucket with a drop of water, just to celebrate the appointment of former German Chancellor Schroeder to the Board of Directors.

The route provides a sixth of Russia's gas supplies to Europe and Turkey, and has been the subject of increased media scrutiny and persistent tensions between the Kremlin and the West over Ukraine's future.

Since the beginning of the year, more than 100,000 Russian soldiers have massed near the border of the traditional gas transit nation of Ukraine, raising fears of an invasion. the western media now take the invasion for certain, also doing, in the matter of terrible gaffes, as happened to Bloomberg-

The International Energy Agency previously accused Russia of deliberately withholding gas to help drive prices to record highs and pressuring Europe to approve the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which would double its exports to Germany and minimize the role of Ukraine in the energy grid. Now the gas, which had dropped in December, has stabilized at rather high prices, around 80 euros per megawatt. About four times the pre-crisis price.

How long will we be able to withstand this tension?

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Article 48 days without gas from Russia. How Germany will look comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/48-giorni-senza-gas-dalla-russia-come-sara-messa-la-germania/ on Sun, 06 Feb 2022 07:00:26 +0000.