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Germany: we are moving from “Nuclear No More” to “But with money you can also make nuclear power”. When necessity becomes a virtue

Fears of disruptions to natural gas supplies from Russia are slowly pushing the “Semaphore” government to change its stance towards nuclear energy. We have gone from a position of total closure, with the decommissioning of all six old German nuclear power plants to a "but, maybe we should think about it" …

Just today on the Welt the leader of the Liberals (FDP) to the German parliament began to report the first break in the dam of the closure to nuclear power, stating that, however, the closure of the remaining three plants open on 31/12/2022 (three, as we know, they are already disconnected from 31 December 2021, but not yet dismantled) should be the subject of "debate without ideologies". "They are not a panacea, but in the event of a shortage, gas must be available to heat homes and industry." in short, in the government the closing positions of the social democratic SPD are starting to be questioned

That the discussion is quite advanced can be understood from another article by Welt which, not coincidentally, comes out the same day. How to keep three old plants open, or rather, perhaps, reopen the ones that just turned off, given that it has been going on for months saying that they are old, insecure and unprofitable structures? Simple: investing in it! The article affirms, papal papal, that there is no operational problem that cannot be solved with a healthy injection of money, necessary to modernize the structures, make them safe and make the activity risk-free for those who work there.
In the end, it took relatively little to make the Germans understand that ideological blocks are a luxury that one must be able to afford, and that it is better to stay warm with nuclear power than cold with wind power which, perhaps, does not work. because it's not windy. Who knows if a bit of healthy cold and dark will make Italians change their minds too …

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The article Germany: we are moving from "No more nuclear" to "But with money you can also make nuclear power". When necessity becomes virtue it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/germania-stiamo-passando-dal-mai-piu-nucleare-al-ma-con-i-soldi-si-fa-anche-il-nucleare-quando-la-necessita-si-fa-virtu/ on Mon, 11 Jul 2022 10:45:08 +0000.