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Welcome to the strange case of the Italian election campaign

Welcome to the strange case of the Italian election campaign

Why does the Democratic Party evoke bankruptcies and disasters in the event of a center-right victory on 25 September? Paola Sacchi's note

Welcome to the strange case of the country's electoral campaign where the word alternation, unlike the rest of the Western world, is synonymous with “bankruptcy” and nightmare scenarios. Phenomenon that occurs when the left, continuously in the executive for almost 11 years, without having won the elections, risks losing. Because the center-right, whether Silvio Berlusconi, Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni prevail, would never be up to the role. And therefore a government of emergency and not of national unity, because the Draghi government of almost all was born with the aim of facing the pandemic, economic and social crisis, should be permanent for some ("Third pole"). Or in the event of defeat, if the agreement to redo the wide field with the Five Stars were to struggle to take off again, maybe it could also be experienced as a luxury makeshift, albeit not officially declared, by others (the Democratic Party and allies of Commitment civico by Luigi Di Maio and + Europa by Emma Bonino). As if politics were the sickest in the rest of the world. And as such always to be "commissioner".

In the country of what is defined by opponents as "the worst right ever" – but in reality the center-right was defined as synonymous with all evil already 28 years ago, the rest are all variations on the theme – the strange case of governments and parties made and broken in the mainstream newspapers, almost all dominated by the single left thought that has occupied the centers of power. And so even now, despite having failed to prove the facts, the majority “Ursula” continues to be evoked as the future scenario, as Calenda asks. It would be in the Italian version a way to stem the "extremisms", shattering Forza Italia, putting together what would remain of the blue party with the Democratic Party and perhaps with the "healthy part" (Calenda) of the League, evoking again splits but never occurred.

The no small detail of the role that the Five Stars should have in such a majority always remains open, since they were fully entitled to the formula of alliances that led to the election of the president of the EU commission in Europe. Calenda and Matteo Renzi see them as smoke in the eyes and certainly could not replace them, given the small numbers that the polls give them, the splinter formation of the Foreign Minister. Third-party mysteries. Renzi, who attacks Letta accusing him of having allied himself with those who, like Fratoianni, brought Draghi down, says that with a 10 per cent at the "third pole", Draghi will again lead the executive.

As for Giorgia Meloni, according to whom in the case of FdI's affirmation she does not see the reason why the Head of State should indicate a different choice than her, the wishes of the mainstream media are now so prevalent with respect to the real facts that yesterday for the first time, with a dry official note ("opinions of the drafter of the article"), the Quirinale had to deny an article in the Corriere della Sera , signed by Marzio Breda, the main journalist of the Colle staff. The article spoke of "amazement" with respect to Meloni on the basis of the Colle's reflections in a "geopolitical" framework. Although this obviously does not mean that the Colle has given the green light to one hypothesis over others, if only for the simple reason that the elections of 25 September have not yet taken place.

Meanwhile, Salvini's proposal to all political forces, on which Silvio Berlusconi agrees, for the Draghi government to imitate France and with an "armistice" of all 30 billion against gas increases, is judged in the method, not on the merits, from Calenda an arrival of the leader of the League on his positions. And then the leader of Action raises: "One has arrived, now all the political leaders meet immediately to find solutions". But Salvini specifies that he, unlike Calenda, is not asking to stop the electoral campaign. And the ally of the leader of Action, Renzi, in the "third pole", does not seem enthusiastic: "Salvini shoots big".

The government, however, would like to wait to see the size of the revenues for the whole of August first and would always be against budgetary shifts.

Letta, for his part, remains cautious while asking for urgent interventions on energy such as the doubling of the tax credit. The secretary of the Democratic Party on the possible victory of the "right" once again fears the "bankruptcy" scenario of the fall of the Berlusconi government in 2011. An event that will still be well reconstructed and of which many truths have already emerged, even with revelations of key figures of the then US administration. In all this, the center-right has governed the vast majority of regions (14 out of 20) for years now. Without that havoc has occurred. Certainly the government of the Regions is something other than the national executive. But such a large number of Regions in the hands of the "right" described in such an alarmist way by the Democratic Party and the "third pole" should make us reflect on the strong dichotomy between central and "local" government. And it can't always be explained in terms of different electoral laws.

Yesterday also saw a clash on the control of illegal immigration between Letta on one side and Meloni with Salvini on the other. The president of FdI reiterates: naval blockade; the leader of the League: "Just re-propose our security decrees". And Berlusconi, in the meantime, in the pills of the daily program returned to the theme of de-bureaucratization, which could relaunch the economy with construction: "I created wealth, other leaders only words".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/campagna-elettorale/ on Mon, 29 Aug 2022 05:58:52 +0000.