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Because the Vivendi Card for Tim is not loved at Palazzo Chigi

Because the Vivendi Card for Tim is not loved at Palazzo Chigi

How was Vivendi's Carta move for Tim received in the Meloni government? Facts, names, rumors and insights

The first move on Tim by Vivendi's new consultant, analyst Daniele Ruvinetti , is not having the hoped-for success.

Vivendi, for the place left empty on Tim's board by the CEO of the French giant Arnaud de Puyfontaine last January 16, has indicated in recent days "Luciano Carta – former president of Leonardo, man of the institutions previously head of Aise , the External Information and Security Agency, the secret services that took the place of SISMI in 2007 – which would have the requisites of independence”, fluted the newspaper Repubblica praising de facto the charter of the French group with Charter to cool tempers on the controversial Tim network dossier and find a systemic solution ( here and here the most recent insights from Start Magazine ).

From a media and political point of view (at least at an official level), it has had great appreciation from two minor political personalities who have a certain weight in the majority that supports the Meloni government: on the one hand, the CL Maurizio Lupi of Noi Moderati ( on the other hand, Vivendi's consultants in Italy, first Andrea Pezzi and now Ruvinetti, have often been regulars at the Communion and Liberation Meeting in Rimini), on the other the Northern League supporter Claudio Durigon; even if the reasons and responsibilities of the two in the field of telecommunications are not clear to rush to applaud the name of a foreign shareholder for the board of an Italian group also participated by a significant public component such as Cassa depositi e prestiti.

The excitement of Lupi and Durigon for the "French" Carta was immediately cooled by a rumor that quickly spread through the ministries concerned: Carta is not loved in Palazzo Chigi. Will it be true?

Furthermore, in the presidency of the Council, there is an undersecretary, Alessio Butti of Fratelli d'Italia, who the French observe carefully as he follows Tim's goal match. The Italian galaxy made up of consultants, communicators and lobbyists who gravitate around Vivendi has positively noted how Butti has never indulged in excessively negative judgments towards the French group, either directly or indirectly considering both its Minerva Plan (Cdp takeover bid on Tim who has never been criticized by Vivendi) and statements made a few days ago by the undersecretary.

The dossier on the Tim network "is a matter that concerns private companies" and "we are not worried about anything: it is advisable for private individuals to clarify themselves. We can only hope that they do it quickly”, stressed the Undersecretary for Innovation, Alessio Butti, equidistantly from Italian and foreign shareholders: “We intend to reiterate that the government would like to have public control over the network. We also want to be consistent with all that the Antitrust rules are at European level”, emerges from a text and a video by Butti published on the Key4biz website, directed by Raffaele Barberio, Butti's new consultant .

But on Vivendi con Carta's paper, the moods prevailing in the Presidency of the Council are of a different approach. Dagospia wrote (not denied): "The two shadow men of Giorgia Meloni, Fazzolari and Mantovano, still cannot believe that the former head of the secret services and former president of a strategic company such as Leonardo, Luciano Carta, has accepted to enlist with the French Vivendi to replace the outgoing Arnaud de Puyfontaine on Tim's board of directors and then hoist him into the presidential seat of Salvatore Rossi”.

The scarce inspiration of Palazzo Chigi for Carta is not eccentric, which was wanted by the Movimento 5 Stelle for Leonardo's presidency and which has not been confirmed like Alessandro Profumo at the head of the former Finmeccanica group. In place of Carta, the Meloni government has chosen Ambassador Stefano Pontecorvo who does not have a political-party connotation unlike Carta and who has received heavier powers than Carta had. Which, in Leonardo, is not remembered in a particularly appreciable way.

Evidently the analyst Ruvinetti , Vivendi's new Italian super-consultant, followed (apparently) by the lobbyist-communicator Gianluca Comin, still has a lot to do on the Carta paper.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/economia/carta-vivendi-tim/ on Mon, 29 May 2023 05:56:25 +0000.