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The activation of the first Turkish reactor, built by Russia, begins

Russian state nuclear energy company Rosatom has started commissioning the first unit of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant in Turkey, the company announced in a press release on Tuesday.

The Akkuyu plant is the only plant of its kind in Turkey and is built in the Mersin province by Rosatom, the Russian state company that deals with nuclear energy development. Construction of the plant began in 2018.

Rosatom Director General Alexey Likhachev commented on the progress at Akkuyu, saying that work on the “nuclear island” is proceeding according to plan.

Where is Akkuyu located

“This year we will thoroughly check all systems, including the primary circuit, conduct hydraulic tests and load fuel simulators directly into the reactor,” he said.

“We are doing everything to ensure that next year the first unit of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant becomes part of the energy system of the Republic of Turkey. All our efforts and the work of Turkish companies are aimed at this. There are many of them here, and they demonstrate great professionalism and mobilization."

What the Akkuyu power plant will look like once finished

Likhachev added that Rosatom intends to put the first unit into operation this year. All four units are expected to be operational by the end of 2028 and could produce 10 percent of Turkey's electricity needs.

With this plant, Turkey enters, and powerfully, the nuclear age, with a plant that has 4 VVER 1000 reactors of 1200 MW.

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The article The activation of the first Turkish reactor, built by Russia, begins from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/inizia-lattivazione-del-primo-reattore-turco-costruito-dalla-russia/ on Fri, 12 Apr 2024 12:34:44 +0000.