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The PD’s missed opportunities

The PD's missed opportunities

What the Democratic Party does and doesn't do. Damato's Scratches

Every now and then I have happened to disagree with Claudio Cerasa, the director of the Foglio who likes to be on the border between the sides that alternate at the helm of the country in a perhaps too often messed up version of bipolarism. Which, although preceded by the long conflict between the DC and the PCI which began with the elections of 18 April 1948, made its debut in the so-called Second Republic with the victory of the centre-right improvised in 1994 by Silvio Berlusconi and the defeat of the equally improvised and "joyful machine from war” of the last communist secretary, and first-post communist, Achille Occhetto.

Like every respectable acrobat, Cerasa also happens to fall, between performances and training, from the wire he walks on. And even being insulted by the usual Marco Travaglio, on Fatto Quotidiano , who unpleasantly contests his accountant qualification. Dislikely, for me, because that was also my father's qualification.

Well, although – I repeat – I occasionally disagreed, I found the political process that Cerasa presented yesterday to the Democratic Party for "the opposition that doesn't know what to do" impeccable. Or for all the "missed opportunities" in the race in which the majority and the oppositions among themselves, or each party within one or the other, are or should feel democratically committed to "dictating the agenda", that is, to making the most productive theme or problem prevail, at least electorally.

The editor of the Foglio rightly lamented "the occasions" – I repeat – that the Democratic Party, perhaps not to displease Giuseppe Conte and what remains of the 5 Star Movement, has missed out on inserting itself into the conflicts existing in the government majority on the issues of prisons overcrowded to the point of indecency, of citizenship, of pensions, of the so-called differentiated autonomies now on the referendum path, even of foreign policy after the Ukrainian incursions into Russian territory, rather than vice versa as since the beginning of the war unleashed by Putin.

However, I wonder if it is only out of fear of Conte, who went so far today in Corriere della Sera to challenge the Forzisti on the parliamentary path of the "ius scholae" for citizenship, that Schlein's Democratic Party has allowed itself to be lost and is missing out on all these "opportunities" . And not because of its now cultural, structural, instinctive, anthropological nature, call it what you want.

This prevents Schlein's PD, for example, from considering Forza Italia, although so frequently different from its government allies, an interlocutor that cannot be dismissed due to its origins from that "anointed one of the Lord" as Massimo Giannini continued yesterday in Repubblica to call, that is to make fun of, the good soul of Silvio Berlusconi. The icing – I would say to return in some way to Cerasa, director of Il Foglio and his graphic signature – on the cake of a politics incapable of freeing itself from its worst, spiteful chains.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/le-occasioni-perse-del-pd/ on Sun, 18 Aug 2024 06:04:46 +0000.