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The effect of the propaganda of the “Experts” and the government? The destruction of trust in government and science

In Israel, the Real Times news site conducted a survey on the confidence that Israelis, the most vaccinated people in the world, now have in their government, experts and the health system. The results should make you think.

The survey was conducted between November 24 and 29 among 570 readers of Real Time News and examined public confidence in information about the crown provided by the Ministry of Health, family doctors, hospital doctors, international bodies like the FDA and the CDC. in the media. 49% of survey respondents were female and 51% male, and the mean age was 47 (age range 23-86)

The results are striking:

86% of polled people have little faith in media experts;

80% have little faith in the Ministry of Health;

35% have a lot of confidence in the general practitioner, but the same percentage does not have confidence in them either;

20% trust hospital doctors, 54% have little or no trust in them too.

Participants were also asked about their degree of confidence in relation to other medical topics, and confidence is much lower on Covid-19 than on other topics.

The confidence of women is lower than that of men who, evidently, appear more confident, or gullible.

. The trust component is fundamental for doctor-patient relationships, since the quality of the relationship between them can influence parameters such as treatment search, treatment response, recovery and clinical improvement, so covid-19 not only has It damaged public trust, but it just cracked an essential component of the healing process.

It will be no coincidence that Israel, the most vaccinated country in the world , is turning into an unvaccinated country, with 35% -40% of the people not having the booster and not seeming willing to do so. Trust, the old advertisement said, is serious business. If you lose it, you can hardly recover it.

Would you trust the myriad of experts who crowd Italian TV? Would you trust such an expert?

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The article The effect of the propaganda of the "Experts" and the government? The destruction of trust in government and science comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/leffetto-della-propaganda-degli-esperti-e-del-governo-la-distruzione-della-fiducia-nel-governo-e-nella-scienza/ on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 13:36:10 +0000.