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Reimbursements for deaths increased by 163% in 2021 compared to 2020. Yet there was the vaccine. The truth of the fifth US insurance

Five months after breaking the news that the chief executive of insurance company One America said deaths among workers aged 18-64 increased by 40% in the third quarter of 2021, much more insurance. large, Lincoln National, experienced a 163% increase in death benefits paid under its collective life policies in 2021 compared to 2020.

Reports show a more extreme situation than the 40% increase in deaths in the third quarter of 2021 cited in late December by One America CEO Scott Davison – an increase that, he said, affected the entire industry and that at the time he called it "unheard of", "huge, huge numbers" and the highest mortality rates ever recorded in the history of life insurance.

Lincoln National Life Insurance Company's annual reports show that the company paid just over $ 500 million in collective life death benefits in 2019, about $ 548 million in 2020, and a staggering $ 1. 4 billion dollars in 2021. Here are the data from the official reports. here 2020

Here is 2021

From 2019, the last normal year before the pandemic, to 2020, the year of the Covid-19 virus, there has been an increase in group death benefits paid by only 9%. But in 2021, the year the vaccine was introduced, collective death benefits increased by almost 164% compared to 2020.

Here are the precise numbers of collective policy death benefits, taken from Lincoln National's annual reports for the three years:

2019: $ 500,888,808
2020: $ 547,940,260
2021: $ 1,445,350,949
Lincoln National is the fifth largest life insurance company in the United States, according to BankRate, after New York Life, Northwestern Mutual, MetLife and Prudential.

Annual reports filed with states do not report the number of claims, only the total dollar amount of claims paid.

Group life policies, in most cases, cover working-age adults between 18 and 64 whose employer includes life insurance as an employee benefit. so this increase comes to

How many deaths is represented by the 163% increase? This cannot be determined from the dollar figures on the statements.

However, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, the average death benefit for group life insurance provided by the employer is one year's salary.

If the average annual salary of people covered by collective life insurance policies in the United States is $ 70,000, that could represent 20,647 deaths of working adults covered by this insurance company alone. That's at least 10,000 more deaths than a normal year for this company alone.

The three-year prospectuses also show a notable increase in ordinary death benefits – those not provided under collective policies, but under individual life insurance policies.

In 2019, the base year, that figure was $ 3.7 billion. In 2020, the year of the Covid-19 pandemic, it rose to $ 4 billion, but in 2021, the year in which the vaccine was administered to nearly 260 million Americans, it rose to $ 5.3 billion. .

The statements show that the total amount Lincoln National paid for all direct claims and benefits in 2021 was over $ 28 billion, up 6 billion from 2020, when it paid a total of $ 22 billion. which was less than the $ 23 billion paid in 2019, the reporting year.

So a large insurance company, with tens of thousands of policyholders, sees a staggering number of deaths compensation in 2021 compared to 2020 and 2019. Why? Wasn't it the year of the vaccine that saved hundreds of thousands of lives? What is the truth about vaccine efficacy? = What about adverse effects? Or were there other causes?

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The article Reimbursements for deaths increased by 163% in 2021 compared to 2020. Yet there was the vaccine. The truth of the fifth US insurance comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/rimborsi-per-casi-morte-aumentati-del-163-nel-2021-rispetto-al-2020-eppure-cera-il-vaccino-la-verita-della-quinta-assicurazione-usa/ on Sun, 19 Jun 2022 18:54:28 +0000.