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Absolute power: with the monopoly on anti-Covid vaccines, the State has put the life and freedom of citizens in check

Having assumed the monopoly of the purchase and administration of anti-Covid vaccines, the Government appears to be the subject who bears the responsibility of ensuring our health and restoring us to our most elementary freedoms, and at the same time the one who can escape these mandatory obligations , moral and legal, invoking indefinitely the failure to complete the vaccination campaign, which only he can carry out. It should at least be bound to a mandatory time schedule, because no government should be allowed to exercise such arbitrary and absolute power over the lives and freedoms of its citizens.

The spread of the pandemic from Covid-19 has so far allowed the Government and Parliament to address the epidemiological emergency with a legal discipline that is highly restrictive of the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals.

Beyond some criticisms, mostly based, on the excess of compression of constitutional guarantees, the idea has passed that the containment of the negative effects of the epidemic can be achieved almost exclusively with social distancing and lockdown intermittent.

The existence of some vaccines produced by various pharmaceutical companies radically changes, however, the scenario within which the state authorities have operated so far.

Although, apparently, the administration of the vaccine will not stop the contagiousness of the subjects to whom it will be administered, however it will allow to confer the necessary immunity not to get sick and not to end up, ultimately, in intensive care or to the Creator early.

The vaccine therefore represents a lifesaver in the proper sense and a safe conduct to return to exercising fundamental freedoms with the broadest faculties provided for by the law.

As is now known, European governments have decided to monopolize the purchase of vaccines produced by pharmaceutical companies, thus making it virtually impossible for individual citizens to autonomously get immunized, at least for a few years. The unanimous choice of most of the States of the Old Continent was justified above all to ensure that the vaccine is free for the entire population; a shareable objective which, however, was followed by the leadership and statist-style determination to assign the vaccine administration to tens of millions of citizens only to state and local public administrations.

The evident consequence of the policies adopted by the nation states, including Italy, is that from this moment on, the life and freedom of each individual depend on the effectiveness and efficiency of the administrative systems. The longer it will take to vaccinate the population, the longer in time and the higher the probability will be the risk of contracting the virus and facing possible unfortunate consequences.

On the other hand, the longer it will take the State to immunize the population, the longer in time the justification of the radical deprivation of the fundamental freedoms of each individual can hold up.

It seems logical to think, therefore, that the Italian government, in order to remain within a national perspective, must impose a time schedule for starting and ending the vaccination campaign. To date, contrary to what Commissioner Arcuri and government officials say, there is only a vaccination plan that provides for the delivery times of the batches of the drug by the manufacturers. But that same plan nowhere foresees the times within which the State, or the Regions for it, will administer the vaccine to the different categories of the population. There is also no real program of general mobilization of men and vehicles that can ensure the maximum speed of vaccination throughout the national territory.

From this last point of view it is truly singular that the Government and Parliament, always eager to adopt exceptional and extraordinary measures to limit fundamental freedoms, are unable to think of a temporary discipline which, derogating from the ordinary rules of public employment, of the use of military personnel and numerous other sectors of the legal system, ensure the necessary mobilization for the vaccination campaign. For example, there is no provision on the horizon that allows within certain times the commissioning of those regions or peripheral administrations that should, without any reason, be in default with respect to the time schedule that should be assigned to them. A statist and dirigiste ideological prejudice, as mentioned, finally excluded the entire private sector from the vaccine distribution and administration chain, thus making the times within which to end the state of emergency and the consequent measures adopted even longer and uncertain. .

To tell the truth, then, it would be up to Parliament to bind the Government to the precise address of completing the vaccination campaign within a certain period of time (naturally depending on the delivery of the drug), under penalty of political responsibility towards the Chambers (resignation of the entire executive) and of the legal one towards citizens who all boast a perfect subjective right to vaccination by the state.

It is not remotely possible, in fact, to think of recognizing to the State the absolute power to choose at will the times within which to save lives and restore freedom to millions of human beings, when it is the Authority itself that effectively prevents each individual to find the vaccine on the market and thus provide for the protection of life and the exercise of fundamental freedoms by themselves.

The Government has expropriated in fact and in law the citizen of the freedom to be able to save himself autonomously through the purchase and administration of the anti Covid vaccine, but has consequently assumed upon himself the mandatory moral and legal obligation to make every conceivable human effort to save millions of individuals as quickly as possible from the risk of death and from the regime of unbearable slavery that has lasted for a year now.

In the public debate, the singular circumstance that sees the Government at the same time being the subject on which rests the responsibility of restoring us to our most elementary freedoms and of ensuring our lives has not emerged with due evidence and the one who can escape these mandatory obligations by invoking in time the non-completion of the vaccination campaign of which he unjustifiably assumed the monopoly was undetermined. A condition in which the state has put the life and freedom of its citizens in check.

The post Absolute power: with the monopoly on anti-Covid vaccines, the State has put the life and freedom of citizens in check appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/potere-assoluto-con-il-monopolio-sui-vaccini-anti-covid-lo-stato-ha-messo-in-scacco-vita-e-liberta-dei-cittadini/ on Fri, 08 Jan 2021 05:04:00 +0000.