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In Lombardy some troubles to be fixed, but the vaccination campaign is not the catastrophe that is told

The latest striking news concerns Codogno, where it all began on the infamous 21 February 2020: citizens over eighty years old summoned on Tuesday for vaccination at the new center inaugurated, however, only the day after. Missteps accumulate in Lombardy under constant pressure: here the epidemic has galloped quickly to reappear fiercely between October and November and in the last month. Thirty thousand victims, dramatic scenes from hospitals, overwhelmed and upset communities. It is not true that " we have all right ", as commented last April the councilor for the territory Pietro Foroni. Several mistakes have been made, as elsewhere and as it is unfortunately inevitable in the face of an unexpected and initially indecipherable event. Others are still being committed, in the vaccination phase, and admitting it can only help to remedy it.

The locomotive of Italy found itself uncovered, forced to deal with the health emergency on the one hand and the need to resume the interrupted economic race on the other. The pandemic management has moved between these two poles, sometimes with conflicting statements such as those of the governor Attilio Fontana, who first asked that restaurants be allowed to open even in the evening, then a few days later he implemented restrictive measures between the Bresciano and other municipalities in the region. It is just one of many examples: a strategy which, however, has lent its side to the harsh criticism that rained down from the first lockdown and exploded with the chronicles of deaths in the RSA, politically connoted. Lombardy is the stronghold of the Italian center-right and by now definitively with Northern League traction, or better still Salvinian. A few knives have also begun to turn among the ranks of the regional government, with the words of the former councilor Giulio Gallera, whose career has been crushed by these momentous months, who underlined how the executive appointments of Aria , the company in charge of manage vaccination reservations, have been managed by the League itself.

Matteo Salvini himself, perpetually at the center of the national debate, entered with a straight leg on the Lombard management: a few hours after the tweet with which last Sunday Letizia Moratti unloaded the blame on the tossed Aria , the Northern League leader announced that the task of managing the reservations would have been entrusted to the Italian Post Office , thus definitively destroying the credibility of a reality desired and cultivated by this regional council and already at the center of the controversy with the controversy over the purchase of gowns that sees Fontana investigated. Too many feet stepping on.

Gathering comments from the lower ranks of local administrations and a few jokes from those who work in the complex regional health system, the term " disorganization " is repeated several times, betraying feelings of discouragement and surprise. No system is perfect, but the leaks as long as they don't let too much water in seem smaller than they really are. But if Lombardy is the land of doing things, then rolling up your sleeves to fix problems shouldn't cost you any effort. Less squabbles about the building (or skyscraper) and more pragmatism, less concatenation of proxies and armchairs (those who are not similar to the Lombard health organization risk getting lost) and more direct line.

Meanwhile, what do the real numbers say about vaccinations? According to data updated to 23 March, 8.72 percent of the Lombard population received the first dose, 4.11 also the second. In the age group between 80 and 89, 41.4 per cent obtained a first coverage, 12 per cent the total; in the 70-79 range, the first dose was administered at 3.3 per cent, the second at 1.7. What is the national average?

Age range % first dose % second dose
80-89 44.4 17.2
70-79 4.4 1.5

Lower figures, true, even in the face of a much wider basin: more than ten million people live in Lombardy, Lazio (the second most populated region) stops at 5,755,700. The average of the last week is almost 29,000 vaccinations per day, with 13,270 doses per 100,000 inhabitants, out of a national average of 13,994. In short, there have been messes, but it is not the catastrophe that we want to tell.

The post Some troubles to fix in Lombardy, but the vaccination campaign is not the catastrophe that is told appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/in-lombardia-qualche-guaio-da-sistemare-ma-la-campagna-di-vaccinazioni-non-e-la-catastrofe-che-si-racconta/ on Thu, 25 Mar 2021 04:58:00 +0000.