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Restrictions and army in the streets for Dpcm. Luckily we love freedom and seriousness …

In the United Kingdom, Tory deputies are cornering their prime minister because anti-Covid measures are not sufficiently debated in the municipalities, while in Italy an administrative act is enough to deploy the army. Luckily, "we love freedom but also seriousness": silent majority, measures anticipated in the media, sleepy opposition

For several days, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has had a real headache to solve and it is not about Brexit . The discontent among the ranks of the Conservative Party on the management of the Covid emergency has become increasingly noisy, to the point that eighty deputies are expected to be ready to battle their leader so that the announced prevention measures become the subject of debate in the Chamber of Municipalities: among these there is the possibility of using the army to strengthen controls. Scrutiny is the watchword: a detailed examination of the proposed measures and then proceeding with a vote.

Particularly interesting is also the idea offered on the pages of the Spectator by Petronella Wyatt who reminded her former editor Johnson of a maxim by Benjamin Franklin that he liked to quote when he was at the helm of the conservative soul magazine: "Those who renounce freedom, in order to to reach a small and temporary security, it does not deserve either one " .

In Rome, however, they are much more serious. The mechanism is now well established: even before the new, umpteenth Dpcm signed by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte becomes reality, the media have provided various background and interpretations of the moods that are breathed in Palazzo Chigi and surroundings. The ground is probed: the obligation to wear a mask even outdoors throughout the country and not only in some regions, the idea of ​​imposing a curfew on the premises starting at 11pm, the plan to limit the number of guests occasions such as weddings, baptisms and other ceremonies. Public opinion reacts, adjusts the shot – the early closure of bars and restaurants seems to have returned, but because, the usual well-informed assure us, we want to proceed with caution, so it could only be postponed – and some points remain, among the such as the use of the army to avoid forms of gathering and monitor the situation. In a country that can boast police, local police, carabinieri and financial police, who, under a lockdown regime, hunted down violators with drones and helicopters, in favor of cameras… Evidently they are not enough.

The deployment of the army, therefore, would be provided for by an administrative act, not having the force of law, which therefore does not require the signature of the head of state or binding parliamentary passages. All this is taking place with the obvious disinterest of the majority (the grillini are then too caught up in the quarrels over the ownership of the blog of the stars, to the point that the foreign minister seems to have forgotten even the 18 Sicilian fishermen seized in Libya), so much so that not even the Quorum in the Chamber on communications of Minister Speranza managed to guarantee, and the drowsiness of an opposition that, after the administrative elections, buried the hatchet. The Quirinale, more than super partes , keeps its distance and does not say a word: evidently it is the new highway code that shows much more critical issues, on the other hand the scooters are really a danger for everyone …

The new phase hoped for by Conte must have begun with last Sunday's speech in Assisi, in which he mentioned the need for an "interior regeneration" and a "radical change of pace and perspective, also on the cultural level". To be free, but above all serious. We hoped it would happen with different means and methods, but it is clear that we are the naïve …

Ps: if you happen to visit one of the localities of the Lower Lodi enclosed in the famous and sad red zone, ask those who live there what are the memories that most left their mark of those days. Many will answer you indicating the presence of the military to delimit the boundaries within which they could move.

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This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/restrizioni-ed-esercito-nelle-strade-per-dpcm-e-meno-male-che-amiamo-liberta-e-serieta/ on Wed, 07 Oct 2020 03:46:00 +0000.