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The judicial resurrection of Berlusconi seen by the newspapers

The judicial resurrection of Berlusconi seen by the newspapers

Headlines, comments and moods of the newspapers on Berlusconi acquitted of the charge of corruption in judicial documents because "the fact does not exist". Damato's Scratches

For once the times and the decisions of the judiciary, but above all the times, although so long and therefore odious, played in Silvio Berlusconi's favor. Who was acquitted with other defendants in Milan of the charge of corruption in judicial documents because "the fact does not exist" – as the Giornale di famiglia has rightly enjoyed being the owner of the front page playing in red with the homonymous masthead in solidarity with the accusation – on the same day in which several newspapers practically gave him for dead, or remorted. And this because of the position he reaffirmed last Sunday against the Ukrainian president Zelensky , making the prime minister and ally Giorgia Meloni at least uncomfortable.


In Corriere della Sera , also yesterday, Berlusconi had ended up in a mega-cartoon by Emilio Giannelli claiming to be "leader of Maybe Italy". In Repubblica Tommaso Ciriaco informed readers of Giorgia Meloni's temptation or decision to definitively put the former prime minister in the corner, also taking advantage of the criticisms rained down on him, again due to his antipathy towards Zelensky, from the European People's Party. Of which he has long boasted of being the largest Italian partner, ever since the then ally Pier Ferdinando Casini sweated the proverbial seven shirts to get him welcomed by convincing the good soul of Helmut Kool. To which "Pierfurby" made it clear, since there was resistance among the Germans, that in this way it would be easier for them to influence or direct him. Even then man was unpredictable, and too new to politics to convince and reassure old marpioni on both sides of the Alps, or the Atlantic. Moreover, Casini himself would later break with him, who had also secured him the presidency of the Chamber, preferring to continue his parliamentary activity by being elected as an independent in the Senate several times on the Democratic Party lists.


Today, 24 hours after the announcement and description of Meloni's program to definitively downsize an uncomfortable ally who, moreover – according to a background story by Francesco Verderami in Corriere della Sera – had ordered his ministers to step aside and leave him alone to negotiate directly with the present of the Council the many appointments planned in public companies; today, I was saying, Tommaso Ciriaco himself returned to the subject on the same Republic with an article mentioned on the front page with this headline that speaks for itself: "The premier stems the resurrected ally". Like and more than Lazarus, whom Jesus brought back to life only once, according to the Gospel according to John.

The news of Berlusconi's political resurrection, so to speak, has rightly thrilled voters who have remained faithful to him or just friends, among whom, however, those of Il Foglio are singular. That they dedicated a cartoon from Fatto Quotidiano to him: with the Knight disguised as a pig who invites the "girls" to get on board his bus because "they gave him back his licence".

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/silvio-berlusconi-assoluzione-ruby-ter/ on Thu, 16 Feb 2023 06:17:56 +0000.