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The US Supreme Court has decided: Texas will be able to apply its law that allows the arrest of illegal migrants

The Supreme Court on Tuesday dealt a major blow to the Biden administration's attempts to keep the US border open, allowing Texas to enforce a new law that gives local police the power to arrest migrants.

With the dissent of three liberal justices, the conservative-majority Court rejected an emergency request from the Biden administration, which wanted to affirm the lack of powers of individual states in matters of immigration.

The ruling means that Texas state law SB4, which gives police the right to arrest people entering the United States illegally from Mexico, can go into effect and litigation on the matter will ultimately be dealt with in lower courts . The anti-immigrant law is legitimate. The law also allows criminal sanctions to be imposed on those arrested and authorizes their deportation to Mexico.

Therefore the State can legitimately replace the Federal government and arrest and expel migrants. We think the police, rangers and national guard will have a great job at the Texas border.

“Texas is the nation's first line of defense against transnational violence and has been forced to face the deadly consequences of the federal government's inability or unwillingness to protect the border,” Texas argued in court documents.

A law blocked by Biden

A federal judge blocked the law after a legal challenge from the Biden administration, but the New Orleans-based US Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit said in a brief order that the law could take effect on 10 March if the Supreme Court had not intervened in time.

However, the Supreme Court intervened by agreeing to rule on the rule last March 4th and now the final green light has arrived. The law is legitimate and Biden must come to terms with it. The states can replace the federal administration which is unable to stop an increasingly insistent migratory flow. Biden wants to flood the USA with cheap labor, applying wage deflation which is now penalizing the poorest Americans.

Recall that 10 million illegals entered the US under Biden, while virtually all the jobs gained under Biden went to foreign-born workers, it seems their theoretical 'great replacement' scheme just got a swift kick in the huevos.

“This unprecedented surge in illegal immigration is not an accident. It is the result of deliberate policy choices by the Biden administration,” said Eric Ruark, director of research at Numbers USA, a nonprofit that advocates for immigration restrictions.

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The article The US Supreme Court has decided: Texas will be able to apply its law that allows it to arrest illegal migrants comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-corte-suprema-usa-ha-deciso-il-texas-potra-applicare-la-propria-legge-che-permette-di-arrestare-i-migranti-illegali/ on Tue, 19 Mar 2024 20:50:24 +0000.