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Green Pass and hunting for children, but the only risk factor is the government’s delay with third doses

The number of children tested with the vaccine is "too small to detect any potential risk of myocarditis associated with vaccination"

As you may have noticed, as soon as the EMA approved Pfizer's Covid vaccine for the age group from 5 to 11 last week, the new narrative started immediately by the government, televirologists and mainstream media. Suddenly, contrary to what had been said in these two years of pandemic, children aged 5 to 11 now seem to be the favorite victims of Covid . They are the main "vectors" of the virus, the "spreaders". And, we find out now, the disease is no longer as mild for them as it was a few days ago. "The virus does not go away", even Ricciardi warns …

False statements, or at least no more "true" today than yesterday, certainly very instrumental, to convince families to vaccinate children according to that information model "administered" desired by Senator Mario Monti, but which seems to us to be working fully regime. A few nights ago Beppe Severgnini replied to Professor Andrea Crisanti, who urged caution on vaccinating children due to the lack of data, that "there are congresses to say certain things, if you repeat them in prime time, people get scared and he no longer understands anything… Not on television and not in prime time, professor ”.

On the one hand it is physiological to see a percentage increase in cases in this age group on the total number of infected people, being the only one not vaccinated, on the other hand the data speak for themselves: hospitalizations and deaths of children due to Covid remain very rare cases and, what it is not remembered, mostly in the presence of previous pathologies, even serious ones.

The data: on 3.2 million children aged 6 to 11, from the latest ISS report , 251,221 infected, 1,423 hospitalized, of which 36 in intensive care, and 9 died have been reported since the beginning of the pandemic. Thus, 1 in 10 thousand in intensive care and 4 in 100 thousand died, respectively 0.01 percent and 0.004 percent.

Common sense – and not only that – would therefore suggest greater caution in vaccinating children. It is true that they are already subjected to some mandatory vaccinations, but these are far more serious diseases than Covid in pediatric age and vaccines in use for decades, therefore the risk-benefit ratio is already known, by far unbalanced in favor. seconds. Although Covid vaccines are safe, why expose children to even the slightest risk, since for them the Covid risk is zero point zero something? At least this age group should be left alone, it should not fall within the dominant logic according to which the freedom to dispose of one's body must be sacrificed for a presumed good of the community (very presumed, given that anti- Covid vaccines do not guarantee herd immunity and give very limited coverage over time).

But there is one fact in particular that suggests caution. In the November 25 statement in which the EMA announced that it had approved the Pfizer vaccine for the age group 5-11 years, a study on 2,000 children, of which only 1,300 received the vaccine, is cited in support of the decision. Basically the sample of a survey. A little bit, for a vaccine potentially destined for tens of millions of children. What if only one major adverse effect in 10,000 (that is, 100 in 1 million) was missed?

Pfizer itself, in an official document for the American FDA (pages 11 and 71), admits that “the number of participants in the current clinical development program is too small to detect any potential risk of myocarditis associated with vaccination. The long-term safety of the Covid-19 vaccine in participants aged 5 to 11 years will be studied in 5 post-authorization safety studies, including a 5-year follow-up study to evaluate long-term complications of post-vaccination myocarditis / pericarditis ".

In those same pages, the conclusions of the benefit-risk analysis are based on mere assumptions, not on trials and statistical-probabilistic models: since Israeli data shows that the – already rare – cases of myocarditis in the 16-19 age group are reduced in that 12-15, and given that the dose that will be administered to children will be reduced to one third, it is "reasonable to predict" that cases in the 5-11 age group will be even fewer.

Too early even to verify the effects of vaccination in the field. About 3 million children left in the US on November 8 and received their first dose. In Israel, the vaccine was authorized on November 15 and the first administrations are on November 23.

A benefit-risk analysis of the anti- Covid vaccination of children conducted on official Italian and American data was published by Corriere della Sera , not exactly a no-vax gazette, signed by Milena Gabanelli. It also correctly reports the risk-benefit ratio of common pediatric vaccinations, which shows how the diseases for which we already vaccinate our children are hundreds of times more dangerous for them than Covid . And he concludes that "from the data available so far for the vaccine against Covid between 5 and 11 years the risk-benefit ratio at community level is proven". "Pending results on large-scale adverse reactions (…) the certain benefit is that by vaccinating the little ones, all adults who have not received the vaccine will also be protected". In short, here is the paradox: vaccinating children, at zero point zero Covid risk, to protect the hated no-vax

The risk with children is to make the same mistake as with the Green Pass . Concentrating all the communication and efforts of the vaccination campaign on an age group that has so far proved marginal in the circulation of the virus and negligible compared to the stress on the health system, unloading the burden of a difficult choice on families, while as we see in these days the main risk factor is overlooked – probably the only decisive one in the coming weeks: vaccine coverage vanishes week after week, day after day, in millions of people, many of them elderly and over 50, who are in possession of regular Green Pass and therefore free to infect and be infected.

That this is the main risk factor is shown by the trend that for weeks has seen the percentage of vaccinated increase in all categories: infected, hospitalized, intensive care and deaths. To be precise, since the last report (November 26) 60 percent of positives have been vaccinated (+3 points compared to a week ago), 48.5 percent of hospitalized patients (+2), 34 percent of patients in intensive care (+0.3 per cent), 55 per cent of deaths (+3). It should be noted that the reported admissions and intensive care data are one week behind those of the diagnoses (the former up to November 14, the latter up to November 21).

The reduced and troubled vaccination infrastructure, and the numbers of these days demonstrate what we have been supporting for weeks on Atlantico Quotidiano : too busy chasing and criminalizing the unvaccinated, silencing the streets, the Draghi government found itself totally unprepared for front of the third doses. Even the hasty opening to the over 40s, before reaching acceptable percentages among the older age groups, shows the underestimation of the problem, the accumulated delay and a frantic run-up.

A failure that should occupy the front pages of the newspapers and the openings of the news if mainstream information were not by now the "watchdog of power", but not in the sense of scrutiny of power, but in the sense of "in the service of power ”, To protect him from criticism, help him spread his propaganda and persecute dissent.

Beyond the “traffic jams”, the congested booking system in many large cities, citizens with expiring Green Passes who have to make appointments after weeks, the data is merciless. We are now in the middle of the season most favorable to the circulation of influenza viruses and over 12 million vaccinated who have received the second dose for 6 months, of which 5.4 million for 5 months, have not yet received the third dose. Millions of vaccinated people potentially discovered, with a piece of paper in their pocket, or a QR code, which guarantees nothing, neither them nor those around them.

But even more alarming are the percentages by age group, which show that it is above all the people most at risk of having to resort to hospital treatment. We are at the beginning of December and only 50% of 80-year-olds, 20% of 70-year-olds, 16% of 60-year-olds and not even 10% of 50-year-olds have received the third dose.

That the alternative to the Green Pass , or to vaccinating children, is Dad and closures is an imposture. Once the most at risk have been vaccinated with the third doses, there is no more stress on the health system and the emergency is over.

The example, the best practice to follow? It's the British one. Contrary to the vulgate about the Johnson government, London has adopted a strategy that has proved extremely pragmatic, which is allowing the United Kingdom to be the only country in Europe that has completely reopened (since July) and is not at risk of closures in view of the Christmas holidays. The British focused on third doses to the elderly, to people most at risk, not on forms of coercion against the unvaccinated. They have a slightly lower rate of double-dose vaccinations than ours, but over 16 million with a third dose, while this summer the circulation of the virus has given immunity to a significant portion of the younger, unvaccinated population.

The post Green Pass and hunting for children, but the only risk factor is the government's delay with third doses appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL https://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/green-pass-e-caccia-ai-bambini-ma-lunico-fattore-di-rischio-e-il-ritardo-del-governo-con-le-terze-dosi/ on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 03:51:00 +0000.