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Economic Scenarios

The commission’s war on wines, cured meats and meat: nothing more than the duty paid to the greens to get the support of the Commission to crush the opposition

Amazement and right fear among the ranks of Coldiretti and its president, Ettore Prandini: "The European Union wants to cancel the funds for the promotion of meat, cured meats and wine, even providing alarmist labels on the bottles as well as on the packs of cigarettes"

The reference is to the new "Action Plan to improve the health of European citizens" (Europe's Beating Cancer Plan – let's strive for more), which the Commission presented on 4 February, World Cancer Day, also to hide the flops sensational in the fight against Covid-19

the document gives indications for a healthier life, but, to Coldiretti's astonishment, it contains the announcement of the desire to "introduce health alarms in the labels of alcoholic beverages before 2023, in addition to the desire to eliminate food products associated with cancer risks, such as red and processed meats ».

Clearly the policy of the commission is a declaration of war against agriculture, Italian first of all, but of the Mediterranean in general, because it is based on traditional products that history has wanted to evolve towards drying, such as salami, hams etc. Among other things, the stupid EU campaign does not differentiate between products that are only salty, therefore practically natural, and products that are rich in additives and chemistry. After all, what does an Estonian know about San Daniele ham? In the same way, wines are treated which, in moderate quantities, have been part of the Mediterranean culture for at least three millennia, since the time of Homer, when in certain areas that now claim to teach us they did not even know how to count with their fingers.

Why this fury towards cured meats, meat and wine? Because this policy is nothing more than the political price that the Von Der Leyen Commission pays to maximalism sees German and Nordic in general in order to have their support in Parliament and lead a quiet life. The parliamentary committees are at the mercy of these green extremists and the destruction of animal nutrition is an effective part of the famous "Green Deal" and the "From Farm to Fork" pact, approved by the PD without a shot being fired, probably because they did not understand. the content and consequences. If Coldiretti really wants to protect Italian farms, it is better for him to prepare and get on a war footing, as his French cousins ​​do, because the situation is absolutely not conducive to beauty.

PS: in any case to block this legislation it is enough to plant a good picket in the Council of States and, at worst, not convert it to a national level … That's why it is important to be in government

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The article The commission's war on wines, cured meats and meat: nothing but the duty paid to the greens for support for the Commission to crush the opposition comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-guerra-della-commissione-a-vini-salumi-e-carne-non-altro-che-il-dazio-pagato-ai-verdi-per-avere-il-supporto-alla-commissione-per-schiacciare-le-opposizioni/ on Sat, 06 Feb 2021 17:42:52 +0000.