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Daily Atlantic

With its yes to Draghi, the League ruins the plans of the yellow-reds

The nightmare of the yellow-reds has come true: find themselves ruling together with Matteo Salvini. The Lega's yes to Mario Draghi has widened the boundaries of the majority and created many embarrassments for the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement, which are now facing a couple of major problems: how to stay in government together with the "sovereignists" and, above all, how to explain it.

The ideal solution for the center-left would have been to widen the majority in support of the last government, form a new executive with pro-European traction and, possibly, present the former ECB number one as prime minister of a united center-left in 2023.

The cumbersome presence of the League has upset the plans of those who thought they could simply replace Conte with Draghi. Once all or most of the political forces have been seated at the table, it will be evident that Matteo Salvini's votes will be more relevant than those of Nicola Zingaretti. The center-right (excluding the Brothers of Italy) can count on a total of 115 senators (63 from the Lega and 52 from Forza Italia) compared to 35 from the Democratic Party alone. In short, there is no history on paper. The political direction of a plausible Draghi government cannot be shifted excessively to the left, SuperMario will have to keep in mind the sensibilities of the center-right, for example on the tax authorities.

Obviously there are still many issues to be solved, but in the meantime we can celebrate for a twofold reason: on the one hand we will no longer see the "people's advocate" at Palazzo Chigi, on the other hand the formula of a "War Cabinet" of national unity, a solution proposed by some newspapers and opinion leaders since the beginning of the pandemic. Better late than never.

The post With its yes to Draghi, the League ruins the yellow-red plans appeared first on Atlantico Quotidiano .

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Atlantico Quotidiano at the URL http://www.atlanticoquotidiano.it/quotidiano/con-il-suo-si-a-draghi-la-lega-rovina-i-piani-dei-giallo-rossi/ on Mon, 08 Feb 2021 04:46:00 +0000.