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Economic Scenarios

363 super rich arrived. The law wanted by the PD that exempts the very rich from taxes is a success …

The tax wanted when the PD was in government and which practically exempted the super-rich from taxes is a great success. According to what is reported by Italia Oggi in 2019, 363 super rich arrived, who will not pay taxes on their income, compared to 226 in 2018. All while the secretary of the PD Letta proposes the patrimonial – inheritance tax for Italians.

Recall that the "Flt tax" for the super rich provides that those who move to Italy with residence can pay only a super "Flat" tax of 100,000 euros regardless of the true income declared. So a Frenchman who takes up tax residence in Italy with an annual income of 5 million will still pay 100,000. A decoy, or the creation of a real tax haven but NOT for Italians, only for a few super mega rich, maybe the Hollywood stars that progressives like so much.

Such a generous rule could only be a success. More and more subjects are transferring their tax residence to Italy, taking advantage of the subsidized regimes introduced in recent years. This goes hand in hand with the “Returns” rule which provides for a facilitated taxation also for those who return their residence to Italy, with tax relief on the maximum rates of 20%. In short, the PD had created a network of special rules that facilitate the rich and make them privileged in a country of fiscally oppressed. In the end you can be the owner of huge assets and legally not pay taxes in Italy.

One last note: we hear the voices of extremely satisfied accountants because in recent days, thanks to Letta, there has been a wave of trusts and foreign holding companies. After all, a Ltd in the United Kingdom costs relatively little and a family pays a one-off transfer of wealth, and then never pays for it again.

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The article Arrived 363 super rich. The norm wanted by the PD that exempts the very rich from taxes is a success… it comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/arrivati-363-super-ricchi-la-norma-voluta-dal-pd-che-esenta-dalle-tasse-i-ricchissimi-e-un-successo/ on Sat, 29 May 2021 09:00:24 +0000.