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Covid Pass: healthcare neonazism like early Nazism (by Marco Santero)

The seed of doubt posed by CHARLIE HEBDO ! Only a humorous newspaper (which has paid a terrible blood tribute to its free and irreverent free thought) can afford to insinuate doubts IN THE VACCINAL THEOCRACY THAT THE WEST IS SUBJECTING.


With the NAZI PASS which is shamefully called Green just to make it more enjoyable, cooler …… it makes you sick. As the Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier summarized perfectly and the news that the creation of "containment fields" is coming that Byoblu with his TG explained in a perfect and terrible way:

Well, we have, with the NAZI PASS, crossed the "Red Line" that a democracy absolutely cannot cross!

In history, when the population is divided and contrasted between "good" and "bad" in an institutional way, instilling hatred of the majority hypnotized by the media against a minority that is increasingly oppressed because it is considered the cause of the ills of society ……. THINGS ARE ALWAYS FINISHED BAD!

So we are hardly a democracy anymore and we are retracing the horrors of the first half of the twentieth century and what is impressive is the enthusiasm and wickedness that is perceived by talking to "very normal" people who with the utmost tranquility tell you that these stupid and unconscious people they do not want to be vaccinated "they must be locked up at home without work and without the possibility of going out, not even to go shopping … ..you will see that they are convinced !!".

These "normal citizens" have already entered the neo-Nazi mode, without even realizing it and the fault lies with the big media who pump ignoble characters like Burioni who has come to define "mice" those who do not (RIGHTLY) UNDERGO A GENE THERAPY EXPERIMENTAL OF WHICH THE MEDIUM AND LONG TERM EFFECTS ARE NOT KNOWN !!

And when to these "ordinary citizens" you point out "but do you realize what you are saying?" and explain the real data and facts that show how experimental gene therapies could create much more damage than COVID, they look at you scattered for a moment, then they charge again "then you are a no vax and a denier!" and close the mental shutters like TALEBANS!

A terrifying thing: the Nobel laureates say things that are precise and exactly contrary to the great media and the ignoble government that continue to say that the solution is to "bomb" even newborns with experimental gene therapy. A REAL ABOMINATION!

THE EXCELLENT BYOBLU followed the entire event with Luc Montagnier in Florence organized by an apolitical association of the highest level such as Atto Primo (obviously unknown to the mass)


In this event there have been exceptional interventions and I advise everyone to look at it all calmly, but in particular I point out the intervention of the lawyer Roberto Mastalia who was truly STELLAR a real masterful summary of what is happening and above all why he has told how he became very cautious about vaccinations (let alone an EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY as those who are called by the media COVID VACCINES), through a painful personal experience suffered by his son.

Those who are scornfully CALLED as "NO VAX" very often are people who have had terrible experiences with vaccinations imposed by the Lorenzin decree, which was already an abomination, aggravated by the use of vaccines on infants and very young children and with an immature immune system. trivalent and even hexavalent, real immune bombs that have left behind a trail of pain and permanent damage!

Faced with the abomination of the NAZI PASS (moreover completely useless and harmful, since those who are "rounded" can get infected and are contagious and it is the vaccines that by blocking the roads to the virus stimulate the VARIATIONS, THE NOBEL PRIZES SAY IT, BUT THE MEDIA CRIMINALLY, THEY SAY THAT THE NO VAX ARE THE CAUSE OF THE VARIANTS TO ART THE HATE OF THE HYPNOTIZED MASS TOWARDS THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT TO BE A CAVIA FOR AN EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY) people still not hypnotized by this medical neo-Nazism must react and unite all forces, without looking at the political color, because objectively the whole WEST HAS TAKEN A TERRIBLE Drift.

In everything we are undergoing there are those who laugh without being noticed: CHINA which created this virus and which is reaping the fruits of a diabolical work started with the Maoist contamination of '68 and which led the West to an individualism and egocentrism such that the ex-68tini who believe themselves immortal block the life of young Westerners, impose on them a poor life as precarious and underpaid, prevent them from having a family and children, force them into an experimental gene therapy with enormous short-term risks and unknown medium- and long-term risks. All this thinking of protecting themselves (old people with multiple pathologies now on the road to oblivion and perhaps retirees with baby pensions for decades and beyond) in a mad delirium: the future is destroyed to defend a past (oneself) that is still expiring .

In essence, the West is applying to itself a forced and very rapid EUTHANASIA, we are destroying ourselves thanks to a subtle and diabolical project of world domination of China!

Noticed that in China there is no such thing as "bombing" citizens? Besides, they have their own treatments and with cabbage they use the experimental gene therapies used by the West.

We must fight to regain control of our lives with common sense, critical sense and scientific method (which now in the West has been reduced to the THEOLOGICAL DOGMA as in the days of Giordano Bruno).

To finish a sentence from those who agreed to end up at the stake to defend their ideas:

THE SEED OF DOUBT is creeping more and more even in the super loyal of the former Conte government, in particular the conversion on the road to Damascus gives great hope to the REASONABLE DOUBT of San Marco Travaglio from Fatto Quotidiano who with common sense raises doubts and questions sensible:


One last warning to those who rightly want to protest: "SPONTANEOUS" demonstrations are flourishing on the net, every Saturday, that no one knows who they are headed to, but "coincidentally" they are having a very strong diffusion: remember that if an event you do not know who it is organizes, repudiates the political purposes and is not included in a specific project with precise purposes = AND ONLY ONE "VENT" CREATED BY ART TO PROGRESSIVELY DISPOSE OF THE RIGHT PROTESTS AND THE WILL OF CONSCIOUS AND THINKING CITIZENS = A DEVASTATING EXAMPLE WE HAVE ALREADY 'IT HAD WITH THE 5-STAR MOVEMENT THAT HAS RECEIVED THE PROTEST AS AN APOLITICAL CRITICIANS AND THEN LEADED IT IN SUPPORT OF THIS IGNOBLE GOVERNMENT = “THE MAJORITY SHAREHOLDER” OF THE NAZI DECREE IS THE 5 STARS !!

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The Covid Pass article : Medical Neo-Nazism like early Nazism (by Marco Santero) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/covid-pass-neonazismo-sanitario-come-il-nazismo-dei-primordi-di-marco-santero/ on Wed, 18 Aug 2021 13:08:30 +0000.