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DO YOU KNOW THAT THE STATE HAS TAKEN YOUR MEDICAL DATA BY DECREE? So much for the informed consent of privacy and many other beautiful things that are no longer there

Do you know that the State took your medical data, collected with swabs, and passed them, for now, to ISTAT? All thanks to a beautiful decree law, on 30 May 10, 2020, converted with law 72 of 2/7/2020, which reports:

1. In consideration of the need to dispose urgently
of reliable and complete epidemiological and statistical studies on
immune status of the population, indispensable for
guarantee protection from the current health emergency,
pursuant to Article 9 (2) (g) and (j), e
of Article 89 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament
and of the Council of 27 April 2016, as well as article 2-sexies,
paragraph 2, letter cc) of the legislative decree 30 June 2003,
n. 196, the processing of personal data, including genetic data, is authorized
and related to health, for statistical and scientific study purposes
carried out in the public interest in the public health sector,
as part of a seroprevalence survey conducted jointly by
competent offices of the Ministry of Health and the Institute
national statistics (ISTAT), as holders of the
treatment and each for the profiles of their own competence, according to
the modalities identified by this article and by the protocol
approved by the Technical Scientific Committee referred to in article 2
of the order of the Head of the Civil Protection Department
3 February 2020, n. 630, as well as in compliance with the pertinent ones
Deontological rules attached to the same legislative decree n. 196 of

So now the state, with the help of ISTAT, legitimately, can do
a beautiful database of your genetic makeup collected with swabs and other tests required, for other reasons, by the Covid-19 emergency. With the best compliments from the Privacy Authority which, frankly, we can also dismiss because it is completely useless. In the end, a nice decree-law is enough to get over everything and acquire even the most intimate data. Of course for now for a good purpose, one day, perhaps, for a nice genetic selection of the population. Eventually even Nazism began with the best of intentions, whose road to hell is always paved. So it can go wrong in a country that is run by a government without democratic authorization, without a vote, with a relative majority party that no longer exists, a president of the Republic holding staff and a politicized judiciary without moral authority, but only with brute force? Everything will be fine for sure …

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The article DO YOU KNOW THAT BY DECREE THE STATE HAS TAKEN YOUR MEDICAL DATA? In the face of the informed consent of privacy and many other beautiful things that are no longer there comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lo-sapete-che-con-decreto-lo-stato-si-e-preso-i-vostri-dati-medici-alla-faccia-del-consenso-informato-della-privacy-e-di-tante-altre-belle-cose-che-non-ci-sono-piu/ on Thu, 15 Oct 2020 16:12:18 +0000.