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Another scandal in Austria, but Kurz sticks to his chair

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, CDU, is, for the umpteenth time, at the center of a corruption scandal involving employees of the Ministry of Finance, but, as an expert politician, sticks to his chair and refuses to accept any responsibility in the affair.

It all started with an investigation by the WKStA, the Austrian anti-corruption investigation office. He allegedly carried out wiretapping of telephones and messages from a series of people involved, and then carried out several searches, including the headquarters of the ruling party OVP (part of the EPP). the accusations are very interesting and say a lot about the situation of modern politics are not in Austria, but in the whole Western world: the ministry's funds destined for independent party polls would have been used to set up remote-controlled polls and therefore make a party communication . The accusations for the OVP are of bribery and corruption and involve the medi Osterreich group. Practically between 2016 and 2018, the OVP would have commissioned at least 30 surveys from the daily Osterreich, many of which were useless or guided, surreptitiously paying for the newspaper's favorable communication.

On TV Kurz, under investigation, completely denied the accusations, making them fall on the employees of the finance ministry. It is not the first scandal for corruption or distorted use of public funds involving the young chancellor who, so far has managed to avoid it, indeed now accuses the WKStA of carrying out investigations. The problem is precisely the OVP: whatever coalition it is part of, it still manages to carry a load of rumors and accusations of ill repute.

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The article Another scandal in Austria, but Kurz sticks to his chair comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/altro-scandalo-in-austria-ma-kurz-si-incolla-alla-sedia/ on Thu, 07 Oct 2021 08:00:30 +0000.