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Argentina: Massa Vs Millei in the runoff. Whoever is demolishing Argentina risks winning

In Argentina, voting was held in the second round for the presidential elections, in preparation for the final run-off vote in December, and the results were a denial of all the polls, because the Peronist Massa overtook the libertarian candidate Milei

Here is the territorial distribution of the vote

So the conservative candidate Bullrich remains out of contention.

Why is Massa, the representative of the United for the Nation party which is in government and which is at the root of the current economic crisis, with inflation at 140%, still the winner of this round? There are three reasons:

  • Fear, because Milei's ultra-libertarian program, with the closure of the Central Bank, hyper-liberalism, privatizations, scared a part of the middle class who voted for Bullrich;
  • The social contributions, abundant, on which a large portion of Argentines who voted for their defense live;
  • The category of public workers flocked to vote in favor of Massa, while Milei presented himself as a threat to this category.

Now we go to the runoff, which will be held in December, and it will be important to understand how Patricia Bullrich's supporters will vote. Mainstream newspapers, including South American ones, take Sergio Massa's victory for granted. Maybe they are right, also because Milei immediately began accusing the centrists of treason. But voters are strange and political victories only happen the day after the elections.

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The article Argentina: Massa Vs Millei in the run-off. Whoever is demolishing Argentina risks winning comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/argentina-massa-vs-millei-al-ballottaggio-rischia-di-vincere-chi-sta-demolendo-largentina/ on Mon, 23 Oct 2023 19:10:28 +0000.