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As Boeing discovers quality control problems, China inaugurates the C919 on the busiest route

The USA and China describe two different situations in civil aviation. In the USA, the door of the Boeing 737 MAX 9 lost during the serious accident that occurred on Friday 5 January has been found, which, only fortunately, did not lead to serious losses of human life.

Analyzing this piece and inspecting the Boeing 737 Max 9 found bolts that needed “further tightening,” United Airlines said. Basically a problem of insufficient quality control during construction.

United Airlines said “installation issues” related to door closures will be “resolved” before the plane type returns to service. The problem is that this type of problem shouldn't even have occurred on a sophisticated instrument that is theoretically subjected to countless checks like a large civil aircraft.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which regulates air travel in the United States, grounded 171 planes of the same type. United said: “Since we began preliminary inspections on Saturday, we have encountered instances that appear to involve door plug installation issues, such as bolts that needed additional tightening.”

The detached emergency door, equipped with a window, is a component that fits into a predetermined space in the fuselage and which is always closed because it is intended to open only on the ground in the event of an emergency evacuation of the aircraft.

It was this part of the Alaska Airlines plane that dramatically broke off mid-flight over the US state of Oregon, ending up landing in a teacher's backyard. The plane was practically new.

While these quality control problems are being discovered in the USA, China is celebrating another step forward in the introduction of the domestically produced C919 aircraft, which, in terms of type and size, is similar to the Boeing 737.

The C919 was introduced on the Shanghai Beijing line , the busiest in China, on a regular basis and its use is no longer occasional or experimental. Last Tuesday, a C919 took off from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and landed at Beijing Daxing International Airport, according to operator China Eastern Airlines.mThe plane is expected to return to Shanghai in the evening. The flight will be a regular route, available for the next two weeks.

The C919 is a narrow-body airliner, developed domestically by the state-owned Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (Comac). It is designed to carry 140 to 210 passengers and competes with Boeing's 737 and Airbus' A320.
After its first commercial flight in late May – again from Shanghai to Beijing – China Eastern has regularly operated three models on routes from Shanghai to the southwestern metropolis Chengdu. Obviously the problems of the American competitor give life to the Chinese aircraft.

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The article As Boeing discovers quality control problems, China inaugurates C919 on busiest route comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/mentre-boeing-scopre-problemi-di-controllo-di-qualita-la-cina-inaugura-il-c919-sulla-rotta-piu-affollata/ on Tue, 09 Jan 2024 16:47:34 +0000.