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Azzolina or De Luca: one of the two lies shamelessly, and he has to go. How many infections from school?

Today Il Tempo highlights how one of two majority politicians is shamelessly lying on a very important issue: where do people get infected with Covid-19? the governor of Campania, with a health system that, despite the colossal expenses, is already in crisis, has decided to close the schools, according to De Luca out of 1,127 test positive yesterday 611, equal to 54.21%, infections occurred in the school. Of these 120 cases between pupils and teachers were communicated by ASL Napoli 1, 110 by Naples 2 North, 250 by Naples 3 South, in addition to 70 related cases, 61 by the ASL of Caserta. Therefore, according to De Luca and the Campania Region, 54.21% of infections occurred at school, so they must be closed immediately.

The Minister of Education Azzolina, who judged the decision of the Campania governor deeply wrong, only 0.075% of infections in Campania occurred in schools, below the national 0.08%. therefore of the 1127 infections at most a dozen would have occurred in the education environment.

It seems obvious that one of them is saying balls, and colossal balls. There cannot be such a big difference between the data of two state administrations, among other things belonging to the same political party, that they give such different data on a vital tea for public safety. One of them is either telling lies, or has a completely distorted view of reality, which is even worse.

Honestly, we do not know which of the two is less reliable: De Luca spends 74,000 euros at random on Covid-19, against 14,000 in Calabria and 5,000 in Lombardy, and, despite this, he is facing an evident failure of his “Sheriff's” campaigns, with an explosion of cases. The Azzolina has only managed to promise, or even deliver, millions of wheeled benches, useful for the Grand Prix of the interval, but almost nothing has been done for the safety of the school.

Two bankruptcy figures, each in their own way, two characters who are playing, for political purposes, with the life of the Italians. However, being on the left, they are untouchable by the mainstream media, it is a pity that the Italians will remember them.

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The article Azzolina or De Luca: one of the two lies shamelessly, and he has to go. How many infections from school? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/azzolina-o-de-luca-uno-dei-due-mente-spudoratamente-e-se-ne-deve-andare-quanti-contagi-dalla-scuola/ on Fri, 16 Oct 2020 06:27:55 +0000.