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POLAND AND HUNGARY WIN. Merkel asks to reopen the discussion on the “rule of law”. To weigh in the EU you need a REAL GOVERNMENT, not lackeys


In the end just hold the point firmly. The German Chancellor, Mrs. Merkel, has warned the Commission and Parliament that it will be necessary to reopen discussions on the rule of law to overcome the veto of Hungary and Poland on the Union budget and therefore on the Recovery Fund.

During the summer negotiations, the Commission had introduced a series of factors related to compliance with the so-called "Rule of Law", elements which, apparently, would seem to guarantee the legality of a democratic system, but which, in reality, being judged in an extremely subjective way , came to be an intolerable instrument of political pressure by the Commission on individual states. For example, Poland is being challenged for the justice reform which sent many judges who grew up under the Communist regime into early retirement and therefore with an extremely pro-European vision, but, at the same time, Greece has no problem despite having its own system. disciplinary and selective of the judiciary completely selected by the executive power. Hungary is criticized for the selection of the Governor of the central bank when this position, throughout the world, is selected by the government even when it can then act autonomously, and so on. In the end, the problem of the so-called "rule of law" is none other than the struggle between an unelected bureaucratic establishment and a democratically selected legislative and executive power. The Deep State always tries to protect itself from the people.

What does this story show? That when a country has a strong government, democratically supported by a certain electoral base, it can also go its own way and bend the unelected powers, read the Commission, to the needs of its people. This is what the Italian people must understand: if they want to get out of the euthanasia towards which they are heading because of the Union and the Italian government itself, they have to unite with another ruling class. At that point, others will have to change.

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The article POLAND AND HUNGARY WIN. Merkel asks to reopen the discussion on the "rule of law". To weigh in the EU it takes a REAL GOVERNMENT, not lackeys comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/polonia-ed-ungheria-vincono-la-merkel-chiede-di-riaprire-la-discussione-sullo-stato-di-diritto-per-pesare-nella-ue-ci-vuole-un-vero-governo-non-dei-lacche/ on Wed, 02 Dec 2020 10:14:53 +0000.