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Economic Scenarios

Bagnai: we must use science, which is not made up of absolute truths. Yes to the relief of bills up to 10 thousand euros

Senator Alberto Bagni intervenes on television, with his well-known acumen. First we talk about science, and it is pointed out that "Science", the real one, is not composed of "Ipse Dixit" and clichés, but is a process of discussion. The "indisputable" science was that of the Bellarmines, or that of the economists who caused the recession in Europe. The rest, including medicine, is transparency and discussion.

Then we move on to talking about folders. The League would like all the folders under 10 thousand euros, only 5% of the total value, but the greatest number, so that, against a limited loss, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of positions would be lightened.

Naturally the senator Piddina is against not making the citizens suffer…. What do you want … moralistic sadism is more and more widespread.

Credit to Inreverente… on Rumble

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The Bagnai article : we must use science, which is not made up of absolute truths. Yes, the relief of the folders up to 10 thousand euros comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/bagnai-bisogna-usare-la-scienza-che-non-e-fatta-di-verita-assolute-si-allo-sgravio-delle-cartelle-fino-a-10-mila-euro/ on Mon, 15 Mar 2021 16:30:26 +0000.