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Beijing detains Taiwanese soldier. International accident risk

Kinmen quemoy

Beijing says it is detaining a Taiwanese soldier who was rescued by mainland China's coast guard earlier this week and then tried to hide his true identity. The news is reported by SCMP .

Chen Binhua, a spokesman for Beijing's Taiwan Affairs Bureau, said the man, identified only by his surname Hu, was one of two people rescued by the coast guard off the coast of Fujian province on Monday, when the their boat lost power in Weitou Bay.

Chen confirmed that Hu was found to be a serving member of the Taiwan Armed Forces who "did not truthfully reveal his identity and deliberately withheld information about his profession," according to state news agency Xinhua.
“The relevant departments must conduct further checks and examine the situation,” he added.

The two were picked up near Taiwan's Kuemoi (Quemoy) Island, also known as Kinmen , which is located a few kilometers off the coast of mainland China. Beijing condemns Taiwan's invitation to US-backed summit

In the square the location of Kianmen Island, practically an enclav of Taiwan on the Chinese coast .

The small island of Kuemoi, or Quemoy, is, with Matsu, a part of the territory of Taiwan a few kilometers from China. Once they were real bunker islands, now, with the calmer international situation, they are above all destinations tourist destinations for those from Taiwan who want to see the mainland. Obviously they are also the areas most exposed in the event of an invasion from China.

Shiyu, or Lion Islet, part of Kuemoi territory.

Chen was responding to media questions about why the two men had not been returned to Kuemoi, which the Taiwan Affairs Office promised to do on Monday but has yet to happen four days later. Of the second ymo who was with the soldier Hu we only know that his name is Wu and that he too was not brought back to Kinmen/Kuemoi.

The increasingly probable risk is that accusations will be made against Hu and that the question will become a pawn in the game between Taiwan and China, becoming a further element of pressure between the two countries.

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Article Beijing detains Taiwanese soldier. International accident risk comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/pechino-trattiene-un-soldato-di-taiwan-rischio-incidente-internazionale/ on Fri, 22 Mar 2024 13:21:10 +0000.