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Economic Scenarios

Blackout sends Manchester airport into chaos. Flights cancelled, travelers kicked out

The Blackouts don't just hit Milan or the Balkans, they also reach the United Kingdom. All flights departing from Manchester Airport's two main terminals have been canceled following a "significant power outage" . The blackout sends the airport into chaos.

The airport has urged passengers traveling from terminals to stay away until further notice . The origin of the blackout is unclear, which initially seemed to have affected a large area, but now appears to be limited to the airport.

An airport spokesperson said all flights from Terminals 1 and 2 had been canceled “until further notice”. Passengers already inside the airport faced significant delays, with images showing huge queues of people. There have been many cases where luggage was not even loaded onto planes.

Authorities eventually gave up and Manchester Airport said passengers due to travel from Terminals 1 or 2 are asked not to travel to the airport until further notice and to contact their respective airlines for updated information.

Chaos at Manchester Airport

Chaos and queues in Manchester

The only terminal that appears to be operating at this point is Terminal 3, whose travelers have not been discouraged from going to the airport, but have been warned to expect delays and inconvenience.

EasyJet airline, which operates flights from Terminal 1, said there were "very long queues" for security checks and disruption in handling hold baggage, meaning passengers were only able to board flights with hand luggage.

The company said that “What happens is beyond our control” and said it would do everything it could to reduce inconvenience to passengers.

Meanwhile, a number of incoming flights have been diverted to other airports, so anyone picking up passengers at Manchester Airport should check before travelling. An Etihad Airways flight from Abu Dhabi Zayed International Airport has been diverted to Birmingham Airport.

Virgin Atlantic was also unable to load baggage on some flights and warned its passengers of the possibility of delays.

At 4.15pm Italian time (3.15pm local time) the authorities said they think they can bring the airport back to functionality

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Blackout article sends Manchester airport into chaos. Flights cancelled, travelers kicked out comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/blackout-manda-nel-caos-laeroporto-di-manchester-voli-cancellati-viaggiatori-cacciati/ on Sun, 23 Jun 2024 14:47:58 +0000.