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Economic Scenarios

Borghi in the Chamber: “How is it possible to tolerate Gualtieri’s ignorance”. (Speech TO BE HEARD ABSOLUTELY)

Intervention in the Chamber for confidence on the August Decree (which was actually the April Decree postponed for months) and which will now become the October law. As time goes by ..

There is talk of the 100 billion spent to save Italy from the Covid-19 crisis, 100 billion that are not the debt "For future generations", but a necessary help for those in difficulty, but in the past it could have been, the same helping families and businesses. We could not, because it was always said that we lived "above our possibilities", only to discover today that we live "below our possibilities". Today it turns out that austerity has hurt the economy, but it's too late. Now we talk about an emergency, but we haven't grown up for 20 years.

Who faces the emergency? The "very competent" Minister of Finance on March 1 was thinking of overcoming everything with 3.6 billion euros, from the top of what Borghi does not hesitate to call "his ignorance". And what do the 140 billion come from? Simply from the public debt which now costs zero, ZERO. And they could have been 200 or 250, were it not for the incompetent Gualtieri. Other than MES, other than Recovery Fund. Now 100 billion have been allocated, another 40 are in preparation, and Gualtieri is still there…. A speech to be heard ABSOLUTELY

Good listening and thanks to Inreverente.

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The Borghi article in the Chamber: «How is it possible to tolerate Gualtieri's ignorance». (Speech TO BE HEARD ABSOLUTELY) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/borghi-alla-camera-come-e-possibile-tollerare-lignoranza-di-gualtieri-discorso-da-sentire-assolutamente/ on Mon, 12 Oct 2020 15:48:11 +0000.