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Why did ISS cancel contraindications to smallpox vaccine? Let’s go back to the ugly messes of Covid-19?

The newspaper La Verità has highlighted something really strange, which brings back to the worst times, and to the bad information, connected to the anti-covid vaccine. That is that, even for smallpox, ISS has decided to make a part of the vaccine's contraindications disappear.

The ISS website, Epiucentro, is in charge of providing information on infections and vaccines. We are on an official website of the Ministry of Health. This site obviously deals with the topic of smallpox infection and the related vaccine.

You can read the information in question AT THIS LINK . On the vaccine it says:

The vaccine contains the live virus which can be transmitted by the vaccinee to his close unvaccinated contacts. The risk of side effects in close contacts is the same as in the vaccine. To avoid transmitting the virus, vaccinees should observe careful hand hygiene immediately after touching the vaccination site or the bandages that are applied to the site until the scab has fallen off.

Vaccination can cause adverse reactions including rash, fever and headache. In some groups of people, particularly immunocompromised people, complications from the vaccine virus can be serious and even fatal (in 1 / million vaccinated people).

Given the eradication, routine smallpox vaccination was suspended throughout the 1970s and 1980s in all Western countries. In the United States, the last case of smallpox occurred in 1949 and vaccination was stopped in 1972. In Italy, vaccination was suspended in 1977 and officially repealed in 1981.

Today, new, more attenuated, non-replicating (third generation) vaccines are available, approved for specific uses by various national regulatory authorities. Vaccination is recommended for laboratory personnel working in contact with vaccinia virus or other orthopox viruses in specialized referral or research facilities.

So, reading Epicenter, we are faced with a somewhat annoying, but almost completely harmless vaccine. Instead let's see what the same site said until August 2021, as recovered through the Wayback Machine, the historical memory of the web that you can see HERE .

In reaction to the vaccination, fever, headache and irritation all over the body may occur. In some cases, however, serious complications occur that can lead to death. In the past, about 1,000 people in every million first-time vaccinated people had some kind of reaction to the vaccine, such as allergies or symptoms of toxicity, or, in some cases, a spread of the virus throughout the body. In most cases, these were not high-risk conditions. People most likely to have adverse effects are those who have various skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis) or those with weakened immune systems (those who have received a transplant, those who are undergoing cancer treatment, HIV-positive people, heart patients ). More recently, the correlations, which have occurred in some cases, are being studied between the administration of the vaccine and the emergence of heart problems (heart attacks and angina). In the 1960s and 1970s, when vaccination was in use, rare cases of cardiac inflammation were reported.

With the new wave of vaccinations in the United States, following the special program of the Bush government implemented since autumn 2002, it has been possible to highlight more precisely the existence of cardiac complications resulting from the administration of the virus. Of the more than 25,000 US civilians, almost all health workers, vaccinated in recent months, just under a dozen have reported heart problems and in two cases (at the end of March 2003) people have died. Over 325,000 US troops were vaccinated between December 2002 and the end of March 2003. About 1 in 20,000 have had problems with heart inflammation. The problems only occurred in people who were receiving the vaccine for the first time.

In short, in the end it is always the same bad, stupid, harmful habit of wanting to hide the side effects of a vaccine. All this on the eve of the arrival of "monkey pox", which also suggests a certain premeditation of the whole.

At this point it would be seriously necessary to rethink the entire information system of the Ministry of Health and the related roles. Why hide the risks of a vaccination that has been known for decades? do they think about making new compulsory vaccination campaigns for young people without informing about the risks?

Questions that will remain unanswered.

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The article Why did ISS cancel contraindications to smallpox vaccine? Let's go back to the ugly messes of Covid-19? comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/perche-iss-ha-cancellato-le-controindicazioni-al-vaccino-vaioloso-torniamo-ai-pasticci-brutti-del-covid-19/ on Sat, 28 May 2022 10:00:03 +0000.