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Is the state of emergency good for migrants and was it bad for Covid?

Is the state of emergency good for migrants and was it bad for Covid?

The latent contradictions that emerge from the measure approved by the Meloni government on the state of emergency for migratory flows. Damato's Scratches

The Def approved by the Council of Ministers is naturally not the incipit in rigorously red paint of the moron that the cartoonist Nico Pillinini attributes on the front page of the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno to the protestant secretary of the Pd Elly Schlein, emulate of the admirer Carlo De Benedetti. Who in his new "radicality" has recently called Giorgia Meloni "demented" incurring the censorship of Domani , the newspaper he founded and owned, perhaps brought back into line precisely for this reason with the dismissal of the director Stefano Feltri .

The Def is just the acronym of the Economic and Financial Document liquidated perhaps a little too hastily by Repubblica as a "threepenny" product, albeit with the cover of a comment by Carlo Cottarelli, an economics expert elected senator for sure in the Democratic Party lists as independent but ironically called by some political reporters also "the Draghi of the poor". "A cash operation without a future", defined it precisely by the failed Prime Minister five years ago, appointed after the resignation of Giuseppe Conte and retired to rethink the lawyer and professor designated by the grillini.

Too little of those three billion euros destined for the so-called tax wedge for low incomes, reducing their social security contributions, Per Luigi Bersani said in a television lounge, clashing with an unexpected Giorgio Mulè: the forced vice president of the Chamber still fresh from an interview against the new course of his party more favorable to Giorgia Meloni.

In addition to the Def and a provision for greater protection of artistic assets defiled by at least a little crazy environmentalists, the Council of Ministers has proclaimed a state of emergency , for now only six months, in the face of the increase in landings of immigrants illegal immigrants. An "authoritarian choice", Il Riformista shouted with the oppositions that Piero Sansonetti, committed to bringing Unity back to newsstands, is about to hand over to Matteo Renzi, complicating the already dangerous management of the so-called third pole formally led by Carlo Calenda. In fact, between the two there is now more divorce than anything else.

Of course, the state of emergency signed by Meloni makes a certain impression when compared – as happened in the television lounge cited for the clash between Bersani and Mulè – to the speeches that Meloni herself, from the parliamentary benches of the opposition, made animatedly against the emergency for Covid ordered by the then Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, accused of wanting to take advantage of it to strengthen himself politically. In this objective contradiction, without wanting to ask with Avvenire if that for migrants is a "true emergency", given by now the chronicity of the phenomenon of landings and shipwrecks, Pier Ferdinando Casini had easy play in describing, albeit jokingly and a little pleased, Meloni driving a spaceship arrived on planet Earth.

This is a machine translation from Italian language of a post published on Start Magazine at the URL https://www.startmag.it/mondo/lo-stato-di-emergenza-va-bene-sui-migranti-e-andava-male-per-il-covid/ on Wed, 12 Apr 2023 06:13:13 +0000.