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China launches crackdown on unregistered foreign journalists

Beijing will tighten controls against female journalists and news organizations operating unofficially in mainland China.
The campaign – which began in 2022 and targets overseas media and "unsanctioned internet media" – has "made new progress" and the Central Propaganda Department will continue this year, the state news agency reported Wednesday. Xinhua.
China has an extensive and sophisticated online information control system, and the government has also imposed strict licensing requirements for publishing and broadcasting news.

As part of the latest campaign, Beijing intends to crack down on those who blackmail companies with news, pose as journalists and spread "fake news", especially content related to the ruling Communist Party and government policies, the report said.
The media will be controlled and those that publish "fake news", that engage in illegal activities or that were founded without authorization will be closed.
The campaign will focus on overseas media and, according to Xinhua, "media organizations and personnel who illegally conduct business on the continent on behalf of foreign media" will be punished.
“Over the past year, we have punished… commercial websites, internet organizations and public accounts that illegally reported news, we have cleaned up fake media and punished media organizations and personnel who publish news for profit,” the statement reads. relationship.
"We have effectively maintained order in the dissemination of news, actively safeguarded the rights and interests of the public, and safeguarded our ideological security."

The campaign is the latest push to clean up Chinese web content, especially content from foreign media and social media. In recent years the government has moved to strengthen controls also following the increase in citizen journalism.
Self-employed journalists cannot be accredited by the National Press and Publication Administration, which administers testing and grants the press credentials needed to work as a journalist in China. To be authorized to work, it is necessary to be part of a recognized and authorized newspaper, which greatly limits freedom of the press.

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The article China launches crackdown on unregistered foreign journalists comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-cina-lancia-la-repressione-sui-giornalisti-stranieri-non-registrati/ on Fri, 17 Feb 2023 08:00:10 +0000.