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China: the zero Covid policy does not stop the contagion, but it is very useful for the Party ..

Official data on the Chinese Covid epidemic released on Tuesday show that there have been 7,475 new cases of the infection on the last day, surpassing the highest number of infections in six months. Several communities in Zhengzhou require documents and tests to travel. In Qinhuangdao, epidemic control center officials were infected, so the facility was closed parentheses

Guangdong still has the largest number of new cases, with 2,649 cases, of which Guangzhou represents 2,377 cases. There are 1794 cases in Inner Mongolia, 747 in Henan and 655 in Xinjiang, most of which are asymptomatic infections.

It is clear that China's current "zero" policy for the outbreak has failed to stop the spread of the virus and the outbreak prevention measures taken in some areas have made people question the official reasons for preventing the outbreak .

It seems that the questionnaires that citizens must fill out in order to move or to take the various tests are more of a political or security nature than of a health nature. The questions are similar to those of a police interrogation with lots of intimidation and threats about the possibility of returning to their homes.

Among other things, these forms require residents not only to indicate whether they are members of the Chinese Communist Party or the Communist Youth League or whether they live in their own or rented home. All this, even in China, is seen as an abuse and an intrusion into people's privacy, especially as these forms are not provided and returned to the police, but to private guards who are in charge of the surveillance of individual housing complexes.

By now, even in China, the population has the suspicion that all this policy of containing the covid does not actually have any purpose of a health nature, but of political and social control. If they understood it in China it must be evident …

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The article China: the zero Covid policy does not stop the contagion, but it is very useful for the Party .. it comes from Economic Scenarios .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/cina-la-politica-covid-zero-non-ferma-il-contagio-ma-e-utilissima-per-il-partito/ on Tue, 08 Nov 2022 11:30:59 +0000.