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Economic Scenarios

I’m sorry, but according to the World Economic >forum you will no longer have a private car in 2050 (unless you are Chinese…)

Do you think you can be free to move as you wish, to be able to go to the mountains or the sea in a few hours? Well, thanks to the brilliant minds at the World Economic Forum, this privileged status will be taken away from you in a few decades.

We've heard a lot lately about efforts to reduce or ban natural gas stoves in the United States, to reduce agricultural production in Europe and to limit meat in the public diet, but the most pervasive restrictions on carbon emissions are planned for cars and private transportation. The WEF recently released a blueprint to reduce individual car ownership by 75% by 2050.

The white paper, titled " Benchmarking the Transition to Sustainable Urban Mobility " sets out various guidelines for moving the majority of the human population to mass transit within "smart cities". compact.

The WEF also suggests that over 70% of all people will need to live in these smart cities by 2050 – Currently, 45% of the world lives in rural areas, requiring another 15% of the population to be forced to move to city ​​over the next two decades. Not only that, but the second and third tier cities will have to be brought together in a single homogeneous network. In other words, megacities. Obviously urbanization will be achieved with some form of economic coercion, as is already being seen, for example, in the Netherlands with the expropriation of agricultural properties.

In this utopian or dystopian world of the WEF, even second or third tier cities are included in the megacities and are part of that controlled network of public transport that excludes the private one. If on the one hand this system may seem comfortable, on the other hand you will have to consider that the development and use of these networks will be controlled by someone, and given the progressive emptying of democratic bodies.

Of course, these environmental standards appear, in the view of the WEF, not to apply to China. There the social control system is already present and strictly implemented, and therefore does not require the excuse of CO2 emission limitation policies. The government already controls, regulates and represses autonomously. No alibi is needed. At least in this Beijing is less hypocritical than Western countries.

However, you can always walk, at least for a while. If you want to console yourself, European civilization was built, the real medieval one, going on foot from one country to another.

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The article I'm sorry, but according to the World Economic >forum you will no longer have a private car in 2050 (unless you're Chinese…) comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/mi-dispace-ma-per-il-world-economic-forum-non-avrete-piu-lauto-privata-nel-2050-tranne-che-non-siate-cinesi/ on Mon, 19 Jun 2023 08:00:06 +0000.