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Conte: Unable and indecisive about migrants. A government is a puppet (from OFCS.report)

from OFCS.report to which we refer you for the entire article:

Conte what are you doing with migrants? Ambarabaciccicoccò? It was all very clear. Or rather, it should have been. Yet, despite the warnings, the government is in danger of crashing on the landings issue . Out of control immigration in addition to the Covid emergency represent a social bomb.

Dear Conte, the prediction on what could have happened (and which is happening on time) had come loud and clear from many sides. To the point that someone (see intelligence) is now unmotivated (and even a little tired of repeating the same things) in reporting the real needs related to security, already widely represented in the recent past. But there is no worse deaf than someone who does not want to hear. Or perhaps we intend to "divert" attention to issues that are easier to solve … It will be!

It is also true, however, that Giuseppi on the issue of migrants seems like a punched boxer : he takes punches from all sides. There are those of the Democratic Party who do not want to hear about closed ports and rejections because otherwise they lose the votes and the support of red coop and NGOs. Then there is the Vatican with Pope Bergoglio who, despite the problems in his home, pokes his nose into the affairs of others and dictates the line on migrants that this government of acrobats must hold.


Propaganda serves to cover up inadequacy and bad choices. And God only knows how much propaganda this government needs.

Especially now that in Sicily, the governor and mayors have declared war on Conte & Co.

Conte now truly appears to be a kind of puppet who moves on the subject of migrants depending on where they pull him: after having unconditionally supported Salvini's policies with the yellow-green government, now he does the exact opposite, and not it can resist the pressures of the Vatican and the PD and open ports. Except then being rejected with damage even by the mayors of the PD and the M5s, as well as, of course, by the administrators of the center-right.

Now Sicily is a region with an autonomous statute, therefore with a much higher possibility of government than that of the regions with an ordinary statute. Faced with President Musumeci's dismissal order, I wonder what Conte will do. will he send the army? we remind you that the ASL can also resort to the police, as in this case …

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The article Conte: incapable and indecisive on migrants. A government is a puppet (from OFCS.report) comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/conte-incapace-ed-indeciso-sui-migranti-un-governo-e-una-marionetta-da-ofcs-report/ on Mon, 24 Aug 2020 11:46:02 +0000.