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Denmark closes video platform: “Dangerous” information on Covid-19

Danish authorities have blocked much of the country's access to the Bitchute video platform in the name of preventing the spread of “dangerous information” on COVID.

Denmark's National Police Cyber ​​Crime Center (NC3) has filed a request for a court order to block the site, and ISPs have followed suit by blocking access to Danish users.

" T he National Police Cyber ​​Crime Center (NC3) has blocked the homepage your browser tries to access as there is reason to assume that the website is committing a criminal law violation, whether it has a background or a connection with 19 epidemic in Denmark, ”states a message that users see when they try to log in to Bitchute. Does the site infect with covid-19?

It then warns the website owner that they will need to contact the authorities to try to get the website back online.

"The block appears to be site-wide, which means that Danish citizens are not only prevented from viewing the alleged COVID-19 misinformation on BitChute, they are also prevented from viewing any BitChute videos, regardless of subject matter," he writes. Tom Parker.

Bitchute has often been accused of accepting misaligned and highly controversial material, but putting an entire site unreachable is just a little too much. Maybe they think that the Danes are unable to understand, and then the "master state" wants to decide for them, what they should read, what they should follow in the videos.

An absolute censorship, offensive and undemocratic attitude. perfect for today's European Union.

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The article Denmark closes the video platform: “Dangerous” information on Covid-19 comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/la-danimarca-chiude-piattaforma-video-pericolose-informazioni-sul-covid-19/ on Fri, 04 Jun 2021 11:17:23 +0000.