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Drug and sex scandal shakes the German SPD

German police are investigating at least nine women suspected of being unwilling victims of rape drug use during an invitation-only event organized by the German Chancellor's political party.

The German daily Tagesspiegel was the first to tell the troubling story of the annual summer party of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), which was attended by Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

A police investigation was opened after a 21-year-old woman felt dizzy hours after the party. The next day, she did not remember what had happened the previous night and was sent to the hospital for blood tests, where traces of the drug were found.

SDP co-leader Lars Klingbeil told Welt TV that he was "furious that such a thing could have happened during the event." She said the SDP leadership is talking to authorities to find "the perpetrator or perpetrators" responsible for the attacks on women.

"I advise all interested people to file a complaint," tweeted Katja Mast of the SPD, while a party spokesperson told AFP on Saturday that there is "still a lot of uncertainty; the police are investigating ”.

The spokesperson said there may be more cases to add to the nine women who have already come forward.

The SPD sent an e-mail to all the guests condemning a "monstrous act that we immediately declared to the parliamentary police".

The Tagesspiegel has published a letter from the parliamentary leader of the SPD Mathias Martin to his colleagues in which he explains: "At our summer party, there were obviously attacks against colleagues with knockout drops".

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The article Scandal of drugs and sex shakes the German SPD comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/scandalo-di-droga-e-sesso-scuote-la-spd-tedesca/ on Mon, 11 Jul 2022 12:28:59 +0000.