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Even the New York Times sees the invasion that is not there

An alarming new article about the Russian "Invasion" of Ukraine was published in the New York Times on Friday. The newspaper said it spoke to a "senior Ukrainian military official" who shared details of a highly confidential assessment compiled by the country's military.

According to the official, Moscow has recently deployed another 10,000 troops to the region. Furthermore, "several units" on the Crimean peninsula have been placed "at the highest military readiness status of the Russian army," he said. Other forces, stationed in "other locations" unspecified, would be put on "second highest level of alert".

At the same time, the official implied that Moscow's alleged ongoing military buildup was part of its "real game of poker," aimed at frightening Kiev and the West, rather than a sign of an impending raid.

"For now, they are doing everything they can to panic us and panic the West," the official said.

If the "invasion" does indeed happen, Russia would have to start with "localized action" and, if successful, Moscow could attempt to "extend the conflict zone," the official noted. However, Russia would not be able to sustain the offensive for more than a week in multiple directions, "due to a lack of supplies including ammunition, food and fuel deployed on the front line", as well as a lack of "military forces. sufficient reserve, ”the newspaper said, citing the Ukrainian anonymous assessment. So a nuclear superpower can keep 100,000 troops at war for just seven days . It seems a little bit to me, don't they have enough emergency rations?

The total number of troops located near the Russian-Ukrainian border is estimated to reach around 130,000 military personnel, the newspaper noted, citing unspecified US and Ukrainian officials.

The New York Times report comes amid growing tensions between Moscow and the West centered around Ukraine. In recent months, senior officials and Western media have repeatedly warned of an alleged imminent "invasion" planned by Moscow. On Saturday, Bloomberg accidentally published a headline that read "Russia invades Ukraine".

The article was later deleted, with the media apologizing and saying they will investigate why this news came out unintentionally, we hope. At the same time this means that by now the big media have ready the article announcing the invasion of Ukraine. maybe they already know when these articles will be published.

However, Russia continues to deny that there will be an invasion and Ukraine itself claims that the situation is not as bad as it is portrayed by the Western media. IMHO we will not see any invasion of Ukraine, but an increase in tension at the gates of the USA, with more Russian-Chinese intervention in Central and South America.

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The article Even the New York Times sees the invasion that is not there comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/anche-il-new-york-times-vede-linvasione-che-non-ce/ on Sun, 06 Feb 2022 08:00:07 +0000.