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Finland: defeat for Sanna Marin’s party. CDX winning, but doubts for the government

Sanna Marin's Social Democrats risk taking a beating, at least from what can be seen after checking 90.8% of the ballots, on the day of the parliamentary elections in Finland.

Here are the results so far

The Marin Social Democrats managed to gain three seats, but not enough to overtake the “True Finns” party, PS, which gained eight seats (ID Group in Europe) and the “National Coalition”, KoK, (EPP Group in Europe) which gained 9 seats to 47, like PS. A sharp drop for Liberals and Greens, in line with what is happening in other European countries.

The electoral campaign was very much focused on local economic problems and on immigration, so Marin's anti-Russian position, complete with her entry into NATO, did not bring her any particular advantages. At the moment, however, the government is uncertain: KoK+PS+KD, the center-right bloc, currently has 99 votes, two fewer than needed for a majority. so either deputies from other political forces are borrowed or there is the risk of some form of "Grosse koalitione". However tough times for Marin.

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The article Finland: defeat for Sanna Marin's party. CDX winning, but doubts for the government comes from Scenari Economici .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/finlandia-sconfitta-per-il-partito-di-sanna-marin-cdx-vincente-ma-dubbi-per-il-governo/ on Sun, 02 Apr 2023 20:24:14 +0000.