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Freedom Convoy: Armed Police cleared everything in 24 hours. Trudeau’s Racism

There would be so much to write about what is happening in Canada that it is difficult to make a title.

Let's start with the chronicle: During a press conference on Friday afternoon, Ottawa interim police chief Steve Bell told reporters that Ottawa police made at least 70 arrests (including high-profile organizers Tamara Lich, Chris Barber and Pat King) and removed at least 20 heavy vehicles.

Bell said the plan to intervene on the protesters was "methodical" and well thought-out, noting that officers were in control of the situation on the ground. “We will do this 24 hours a day until the residents and the community have their city back,” Bell said.

Officers from all over Ontario and Quebec, as well as the RCMP, the famous mounted police, joined the Ottawa police in an effort to end the protests. So it is to be expected that, at the end of the operations, there will be hundreds of arrests. All carried out by police in combat gear and heavily armed, although there is no violent opposition.

We are witnessing the usual loving police scenes already seen recently also in France.

The difference is that here, using horses, we had trampled demonstrators.

Furthermore, in the repression, Trudeau has divided Canadians into Serie A citizens who can protest for racial reasons, and Serie B citizens who cannot protest: in fact, the decree establishing a state of emergency affects everyone except:

  • people belonging to indigenous ethnic groups, according to local law;
  • asylum seekers;
  • people under protection for asylum

Here is the text in question

So Canadian citizens cannot protest BUT IF, by ethnic origin, you are part of a protected minority, THEN you can protest. I call this racial discrimination, I don't know about you ..

The behavior of the Trudeau government and the Canadian police has come to make headlines, and scandal, even in Israel. A rather large group of Israeli doctors and scientists wrote a letter against Trudeau which called the Freedom Convoy protesters "Nazis", as they view this as a legitimate protest.

None of this, however, will stop the repression wanted by the Canadian Prime Minister. Not even any deaths. Freedom is now under threat in Canada and, of course, all this happens in international silence.

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The Freedom Convoy article: Armed police cleared everything in 24 hours. Trudeau's racism comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/freedom-convoy-la-polizia-armata-sgombra-tutto-in-24-ore-il-razzismo-di-trudeau/ on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 14:34:38 +0000.