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Economic Scenarios

Freudian lapse. Biden: “We created the organization for the biggest electoral fraud in history”

The concept of Freudian Lapsus is that of a concept wrongly stated, but which reveals the real intention of the subject. In this case Joe Biden either made the biggest Freudian slip in history, or he had a good senility attack.

Interviewed with Pod Save America, a guest of Dan Pfeiffer, a former assistant to Barack Obama, he said his campaign that his campaign created " the largest and most inclusive organization for electoral fraud in the history of American politics ".

If you don't believe it, here's the video of the complete interview. Biden's answer in question begins at minute 18, while the sentence in question is said at minute 19.35

A sensational confession, the Republicans would say, or an example of the "Lucidity" of "Sleepy Joe", "Joe the asleep", would say Donald Trump, who does not fail to launch ferocious barbs against what seems to be the extreme carelessness of the Democratic candidate . However, a funny moment, which perhaps hides a bit of truth given what is happening to the postal vote, often accepted even without signatures or certification of the sending.

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The article Lapsus Freudiano. Biden: "We created the organization for the biggest electoral fraud in history" comes from ScenariEconomici.it .

This is a machine translation of a post published on Scenari Economici at the URL https://scenarieconomici.it/lapsus-freudiano-biden-abbiamo-creato-lorganizzazione-per-la-piu-grande-frode-elettorale-della-storia/ on Sun, 25 Oct 2020 18:07:57 +0000.